Mending Old Wounds

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Whenever seeing him,

It's like I could tell him all my problem and have to bias answer.

Or having to be judge bacuse I believe in something different,

Feeling like there was no way of not knowing Him.

Like how could I live without Him in my life?

Whenever I see Him,

Nothing else matters of what is happening around me.

Not the staring eyes,

Or the snide comments say behind my back.

Nor the problems that exsist for me still.

Whenever I see Him,

There was never any other pains from recent crushes,

Or feeling the pains of change that I would have to go through to get where I am now.

I can speak freely about what I like and dislike about things,

And tell Him things that no one has ever known about me.

Whenever I see Him,

I feel protected from anyone who could hurt me.

Authors Note:

Yep, I really don't know what inspired this one :l. All I know is that it's a pretty little poem that makes me think of a husband or something (though I am WAAAAAY too young for a husband xD). Hope you all enjoy this one as much as I do^^. I know....not one of my best but hey, I have LOTS OF STUFF going on at the moment right now so your going to have to hang in there people :P


OH! Before I forget this piece of info...I may be starting a new poem book/story thingy...? Like one of those books that is written in free verse poems but all about the same thing really (Not like this though). More of a story type of look out for type of thing over the course of this year (may be a while before I actually post it so ya...)

PEACE PEOPLE!!!!! (again xD)

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