The Other Side of the Coin

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Have you ever had this preexisting notion,
A notion you never had to challenge,
Not with any really hard thought anyway.

One that seemed so black and white,
No grey area to discuss,
Nothing to dissect,
The answer simple and plain as the break of dawn,
Or the full moon over the horizon.

Don't cheat.
Don't hurt that person you hold so close to you,
The one who supported you,
Gave you their heart,
Whole and beating.

Do not give them that poison of doubt,
The poison of jealousy,
A bitter bile to swallow every time they want to restart anew,
Even when that past flower has withered away.

They will remember,
For long after the Truth is told,
The deeds already done.

Yet now,
The other side of that coin is revealed,
The feeling just as bitter,
Just as much of poison.

When you learn of being the Other Girl,
The one who did the deeds,
And what makes it all the more painful?
Not knowing till its too late.

When train is steamrolling ahead,
And hitting the brakes now will only be metal screeching on metal,
Damage will be done regardless.

Whether the other party ever admits their faults to the one they say they Love,
Isn't a decision up to you,
When you want to scream at this person for lacking respect,
Not just for you,
But for the one they chose first,
For the one you bound to yourself to before this new thing came along.

There is no closure in situations like this,
There is no understanding their mindset,
Not when you can't fathom doing it to another person.

The other side of the Coin is as dark as the sister it never faces,
Both get hurt,
And the person causing this pain walks away,
Blissfully or purposefully ignorant.

Author's Note:

This one is pretty transparent, sucks that people do this, but unfortunately there is nothing you can do to fix them. Till the next one folks ~J

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