The Game of Love

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I never thought I would be here again,
Distraught over someone I told to leave,
Yes me,
I told them to go and to make a new life,
And that's what they did...

Yet now here I sit, with the game well under way,
And I feel as if I have cheated myself,
In the most horrible way.

I set up the board,
And put down the pieces,
The game was a foot and I thought it was finally ending on a peaceful note.

Till right towards the end,
Where I looked at my cards,
Instead of an Ace of Hearts,
Lay the Ace of Spades.

Yes the Spade made the hole too deep,
And my cries won't be heard,
Not from those who once cared,
Too bored of the Game to pay attention anymore.

So here I sit,
Weeping alone,
Hoping that I may find a way out of this Game,
Without shattering what's left of my broken heart.
And keeping that piece of my soul that he once fell for.

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