Chapter 23

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The feint glowing from the underground tunnels that emerged from the base of what used to be Olympus Mons began to flicker. The flickering began to make its way along the path. Closer it came.

Stay where you are. I'm coming to get you.

How do you...?

I only ask one thing, Ryan - don't let them kill me. You will have to convince them. They won't trust me - and I won't trust them.

Where are you?

Ryan turned his attention to the ground at his feet. Standing in the middle of the command tent, he was acutely aware of everyone else looking at him. Had he been thinking out aloud?

"What's happening, Ryan?" asked Becky.

"Stand back, clear a space!"

"Ryan?" questioned Victor.

"I don't have much time to explain, but I need you all to believe me. The creatures are coming to attack us again ... but,"

"But what?"

"But we have an ally."

"An Ally! Ryan , you can't expect us to believe that your encounter with the creatures has led to one of them trying to help us?"

"Like I said, I don't expect you to believe me. Just give me a chance; time to prove it. She can help!"

"What's coming, Ryan?"

"Oh, just a large leopard like Ghecko lizard creature that I can communicate with - formally a human - likely the Mother of a large percentage of the humans on Mars."

"Where, when?"

Ryan moved aside as the soil sifted and rose near his feet. "Here - now. Just DON"T shoot, please!"

Mounds of dirt piled up in the centre of the command tent. With a sudden burst, the Leopard Ghecko creature emerged. Everyone marvelled at the intricate black splattered pattern across its vibrant yellow undercoat mixed with shades of purple blue and green in between the black. Sticking out its forked tongue, the creature hissed loudly as the guards prepared to fire their weapons out of fear.

Ryan stood in front of the creature, waving his arms in the air dramatically. "Don't shoot, don't shoot!"

Victor slowly put his hand to his small blaster and moved towards the creature. Selena noticed him and communicated with Ryan.

Your chief does not want me to live. I don't know if he will listen. I can't save all of you. Did you tell them?


Tell them again. Tell them about the millions of creatures on the way.

"She says that there are millions of creatures approaching now."

"Why should I believe that - thing?"

"Sir," a timely voice piped up from behind a monitor, "Sensors indicate large masses moving quickly towards the border."

"We have another weapon!"


Victor held out the silver vial with the blue liquid to see the creatures reaction. "This formula has been fitted to every weapon along the border of this camp. One of our scientists found a way to combat your type.

Oh no! That won't work Ryan. Tell him it won't work!

"She says it won't work, Victor!"

Selena swished her tail. The action made the guards nervous.

"Oh, but she would want you to believe that, wouldn't she? Can't you see, Ryan, you've been duped by a creature spy who has hold on your mind!"

Tell him it matters not. Ask him about the Axis!

"She ... asks about the axis." 

"The Axis?"

"Sir," another timely voice piped up from behind a monitor, "Sensors are indicating that the planet has been thrown out of alignment by the bomb blast."

"What? What are the new co-ordinates?"

"New projections show that Mars will collide with the spiralling moon much sooner than previously indicated," replied the sad voice.

"How soon?"

"Next years lunar cycle ..."

He's not going to listen, Ryan. Ask him about an escape ship for you and your friends.

Ryan took Victor by the shoulders and shook him hard. "Victor, is there an escape ship?"

"Escape? ...where?"

"To get off this planet, Victor, where is it?"

"Are you crazy, Ryan? No one is leaving this planet - there is nowhere to go! I should have you arrested. Someone restrain that creature!"

"No, no, Victor. Don't do that. I don't want to make any trouble for you. I just want to save those that I love."

Victor paused and considered the situation. What did it matter to him anyway? Victor had more pressing issues on his plate, like how to defeat the approaching horde of creatures. "Okay, Ryan. I'll point you in the right direction just to get you out of my hair. There is an old base about 20km South that used to be a military exploration base. I have no idea about the technology, but I'm sure you'll find something you might be able to use. Personally I think you are insane, and I could much better use you on the front line; but having said that, I can't trust your mental state. Go, Ryan, but if I ever see that creature again, I will use the weapon against it."

Becky grabbed Ryan from behind, imploring him, "What's going on, Ryan? Why are you trying to leave?"

"Not without you, Becky. Do you trust me?"

"Yes, but ..."

"I'm coming too," voiced Jeremy. "I don't want to lose my daughter again."

Humans agree for now, we have to leave now or we won't make it in time.

Selena whisked her lizard body under Ryan, then Becky, then Jeremy. The three of them hung on firmly as Selena the Leopard Gecko launched herself out of the command tent. Observers outside screamed at the sight of her. 

Not stopping to assess the risks, she sped in between clay walls and around masses of tents everywhere, trying not to hit any objects or humans. In reality, it was no more complex than darting through the tunnels in which she had spent what seemed like an eon of time.

After watching them dart into the distance, Victor turned his attention towards the approaching mass of creatures. Some of them began to emerge from underneath the ground. The creatures launched themselves onto the fleeing troops who where only meters from the camp walls. The creatures shrieked and hissed as they launched their bodies into the air before landing onto their prey, either snapping their jaws over them or piercing them with their fearsome horns.

The dual attack had begun as the creature above set upon the walls, and the ever tunnelling creatures underneath prepared to emerge and throw the camp into its death throes.

Victor spoke clearly into the camp comms as he voice boomed, "Prepare you weapons, we are being invaded from without and within. Use the vial weapons!"

The walls shook violently as the ground moved with a background soundtrack of scurrying, shrieking and hissing.

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