Chapter 13

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The dark caves were like being in an uncharted labyrinth of claustrophobic tunnels with sifted dirt beneath their feet. Winding passages of varying diameter and angles occasionally opened up into larger chambers. The more pleasant moments of their recent escape from capture were when the chamber was predominately formed from natural rock recesses below the surface. Now was one of those times. Pleasant was probably an overstatement; but if they weren't lost at the same time, the mood would be joyous.

Ryan and Greg helped Stacey set up a few lights at the perimeters of the cavern to help alert them of any possible intruders. The pale green glow of the perimeter lights created an eerie effect within the cavern. Sitting down, the group tried to catch their breath.

"Should we go back?" asked Becky.

"We don't know the way," cried Alice, "and we don't have any food. What are we going to do?"

Greg rummaged in the back luggage section of the buggy. "There are a small amount of emergency rations here, but not enough to last us for long. We need to get out soon."

"Maybe they've given up on waiting for us. Maybe we should go back?" asked Ryan.

Stacey breathed in the atmosphere of what she considered to be an amazing cavern. "Fear not my newfound friends. I'm sure we can find a way. We should be heading back to Olympus Mons. Sooner or later, we are bound to come across one of the tunnels that are maintained by the government. If we can get to one of them, then we should be able to escape through the nearest vent shaft.

"What if we come across more of the beetles?" questioned Ryan.

"Shoot and run?"

"I hope it's that easy."

Immediately after Greg spoke, the whole cavern rumbled and shook, making the group stagger to their feet. They struggled to hold their balance as pieces of rock, and showers of sand fell over and around them. The perimeter lights moved too, making a disco-like scene; the disco at the belly of hell.

After a violent minute, the cavern settled again and Ryan asked if everyone was okay. After their acknowledgement, he looked around to see Stacey at the forward end of the cavern, shining her torch towards the dust and rock.

"It looks like the quake has revealed a new path."

A cloud of dust was still lingering at the rear end of the cavern too. From within the cloud, a large shiny black object came into focus. Then a voice was heard coming from the dust. "I don't suggest you run; or else!"


The group watched as the buggy rolled into the cavern. Leonard's security guards jumped off and pointed their weapons at them.

Greg noticed that Victor was tied to the buggy. "Leonard, what on Mars are you doing? Why is Victor tied up?"

"It's simple, really. Victor did not follow the orders from Governor Tomlin. He ... thought he knew what was best."

"This is insanity, Leonard," shouted Ryan.

"Is it, Ryan? Insanity depends on your point of view. Do you think you know what is best, Ryan?" Leonard raised one eyebrow and stepped in closer to Ryan. "I know you know." Walking closer, Leonard raised his hands behind his head. "Did you actually have a plan in coming down here? Did you think you would just follow the creatures and exterminate them?" he jeered. "Victor thought of doing the same thing, and look where that got him. It's possible his team is already dead."

Victor groaned at the comment, trying to find his strength from his drug induced bound state.

"You don't know what you're doing, Leonard. There could be many more creatures out there, and with more destructive abilities than the ones we've seen."

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