Chapter 18

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Victor positioned his small transport jet over the edge of Olympus Mons, trying to avoid the main plumes of smoke and darting between the missiles of hot ash and rock that confronted him. He looked at his scanner, trying to negotiate himself onto a protective ledge. When he had descended about fifty Metres he heard a crackled message through the comms.

"Force them back ... too many ... reload!"

Looking down, Victor noticed a mass of swarming creatures in between the flowing lava. Then he recognised a familiar silver ball of a transport vehicle. "Meghan, is that you? It's Victor, do you copy?"

After a few seconds he heard a reply. "Victor, where are you? We are under attack by the creatures and need immediate assistance!"

"I can see you! I'm right above you in a transport jet and am descending to your location. Clear a circle and prepare for evac."

Meghan shouted her instructions for her team. "Andy, Elmer, Lonnie, back to back, make a circle and hold the line!"

Obeying immediately, they grouped together and systematically blasted anything in front of them. Moving in unison, they held their protective circle an adequate distance away from the pod to allow enough distance for the jet evacuation. Negotiating their footing along the already destroyed body parts of the slain creatures proved difficult. Victor dropped as efficiently as he could and released the rescue ropes; already equipped with clasps at their ends.

"Team, discard your backpacks. Weapons only, and hold an extra load."

The creatures were pressing in strong. There was simply too much of a mass for their weapons to be continually effective. A long sharp black horn thrust near Andy's leg. Keeping his weapon firing in one hand, Andy reached to his side with his other hand and pulled out his knife. Slicing it downwards he dismembered the creature's horn and sent it screeching back into the flurry.

The ropes dropped near them. It was going to be difficult to keep firing and attach the ropes to their belts at the same time, but it was something they'd trained for; time and time again.

"Give me the signal, Meghan."

Meghan quickly looked back at her team and responded, "Go, go, go!"

Being lifted off the ground gave the team a sense of relief.

"Ha ha," gloated Lonnie, "See you later, creature features!"

Looking down, they double checked their own confidence as the creatures deliberately piled up on each other, forming a rising pyramid."

"No, no, no, no!" shouted Elmer, as they continued firing.

"Move it, Victor, we need clearance!"

Immediately after Meghan had made the request, a large swooping shadow came from the midst of the creatures. They viewed the creature as it launched itself into the air. Its bright fire red abdomen had black dots on it. The Blister Beetle flapped its wings enough to be able to grab onto Lonnie's rope; its large abdomen resting on Lonnie. Lonnie stuck his knife into the creature, making a bright orange fluid run down his arm and spray over him. Shrieking in pain, the Blister Beetle let go and fell onto the pyramid.

Lonnie's arm started to shake uncontrollably as the cantharidin toxic chemical that had spewed from the creature began to take effect. Lonnie's face began to distort in pain as the searing sensation flowed though his body.

"Hang in there, Lonnie!" shouted Meghan. "We're nearly safe."

Still ascending, Victor had opened the hatches, and was winching them in as fast as he could.

The fallen Beetle had also proved toxic enough to disperse the make-shift pyramid. The other beetles shook in pain with what remained of the espoused cantharidin.

Meghan, Elmer and Andy pushed themselves into the jet, but Lonnie remained only half in, his body convulsing heavily. Detaching his rope, Elmer went to grab Lonnie's arm. Meghan thrust out her arm in front of Elmer, and handed him a blanket to protect him from the toxins painful effect. With the blanket wrapped around his hands, Elmer grabbed Lonnie's forearms.

Victor looked out the window and noticed a large flash of yellow leap out from the cliff side. The creature opened its lizard mouth and clamped the firmly on Lonnie's body. The extra weight proved too much for Elmer and for the safety rope as it snapped loudly and Elmer was left holding only the blanket.

The strange looking creature fell the long distance to the belly of the volcano with its catch in its mouth.

"Nooo!" shouted Meghan.

"It's too late." Reinforced Victor, "We have to get out ..."

His words were cut short as another flash of yellow appeared in front of him. The large Gecko Lizard grabbed onto the escaping jet of interfering humans with its two front legs. The glue like substance on its toes enabled it to hold fast. The extra weight made the jet go off balance. Victor looked at the creature eye to eye. The strange intricate patterns of its eyes had an evil intention about them.

"Oh, no you don't." Victor muttered as he turned the jet sharply and increased his ascent.

Spiralling upwards, the creature hissed its tongue out and held on. Victor manoeuvred the jet as close as he could next to the walls of the volcano. Avoiding the smoke plumes and flying ash and rock would have to rest with luck for now. Victor swung the creature hard into a protruding rock. With a shrieking hiss, the Gecko suffered a large gash along its side, forcing it to let go. The collision also sent the jet off balance. Victor struggled to stop it from smashing into the wall. Applying extra thrust, he barely managed to hold it steady.

Reaching the top of Olympus Mons, they took one last look at the hideous site below them; wondering what the outcome would be.

"Now what?" asked Meghan.

"I'm making a stop at the SS labs. I have a feeling that Leonard may have hidden something important. One hour tops, then we'll head South for the defence initiatives."

"But what about the creatures?"

"Arnold is risking the majority of army personnel in an all out underground assault. Then he wants to drop bombs on the herded creatures from over the volcano."

"He what?!"

"Forget it. There's nothing more we can do here. The council has decided."

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