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I'm sorry if I took too long writing this, but I was recovering from shock halfway through it.

I write this chapter in honour of my drama-queen friend who is a giant bookworm and a hardcore FuuNaru shipper. She has been diagnosed with the late stages of leukaemia and is now in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in the Royal Children's Hospital. 

Get well soon, my friend.

"Why are we doing this again?" the tall brown-haired man grumbled.

"Shut up," his companion hissed. "We're not supposed to be here, remember? We're only here to make sure I repay a favour."

"What, meaning the whole fiasco that happened over a week ago?" the brunette man snorted.

"I'll have you know because of that "fiasco" I got a girlfriend!" the second man snapped.

"Yeah without his help you probably would've remained single for the rest of your life," the first man snickered. 

"Shut up or so help me I will knock you out with my staff and then have Sakura castrate you and then defenestrate you!" 

"Highly doubt that. You need me for your "scheme" to work."

". . ."

"You know I'm right."

"I hate you, you know that?"

"You may have mentioned that more than once every day of our lives."

"Shut up."

"Shut does not go up."

"Why does everyone say that nowadays?!"

"'Coz a certain blonde Uzuchiha is around nowadays."

"Screw that blonde idiot."

"Says the boy who got covered in pink paint and fooled by a simple seal and blindfold," the first man snickered.

His companion growled but said no more as they neared the Hidden Village in the Leaves. "Hurry it up and make yourself look like a civilian. We're only here to tell them the plan, not to aid them in it."

"Hopefully," the first man muttered.

"What is that supposed to mean?!"





"Naruto, do you mind helping me out? "

"What's up Kakashi? Need me to buy diapers again or something? " Naruto questioned the white-haired Hatake.

"Sorry Naruto."

"It's cool," Naruto assured his sensei. "Obito would have no idea what to get and would most likely buy out the whole shop, Sasuke would just buy the wrong type or something completely different and Sakura would just buy way too much and too many unnecessary baby products.

"Yeah. . ."

"I'll be there in hopefully thirty minutes," Naruto said.

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