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I had this sudden idea, and I really wanted to see how it would turn out. Also I haven't been writing much, since my laptop got taken to be upgraded at school after I came back from Switzerland, which is also why I haven't been updating much. Sorry!

Anyway, let's get on with the story!



Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke laid on the battlefield, breathing heavily. Sakura inched her hand slowly and grabbed Naruto's, who instinctively squeezed back. Then he took Sasuke's hand, which stiffened but gradually relaxed.

"Teme, do you think that we will survive?"

"Don't think that Naruto!"


"Sasuke, it would be sad if the last thing that you ever said was 'hn'." Sakura managed a giggle. Naruto laughed lightly, and Sasuke smirked.

"What if we could go back to the past?" Naruto asked. "Fix everything, starting from when Obito died."

"That's impossible, Dobe."

"No. It's not."

"What do you mean, Naruto? How could we go back into the past?"


Naruto sobbed in the alleyway. Why couldn't he have friends? Why couldn't he have someone to train him? He quickly stifled his sobs when he heard footsteps. What if it was the villagers? What if they heard him and were going to give him another lesson?

"Hey kid, what's wrong?"

Naruto flinched at the voice and crawled further back. When he felt a hand on his head, he jerked up, surprising the man and scrambled backwards.

"Hey I'm not gonna hurt you kid. What's your name?" He sounded kind. Very kind. But in Naruto's opinion, most people who were kind were planning on backstabbing him when they gained his trust, when his guard was down.

"You in the Academy, kid?" Asked the man. He had stopped when he saw how terrified Naruto was. "If you are, I can teach you a very special jutsu. It will only work a few times, so use it when in dire need, or if something turns bad, you can use it to avoid it from happening again."

This piked Naruto's curiosity. "W-Who are you?"

"My name's Ryuuji. Ryuuji Yami. What about you?"


"Well Naruto, let me teach you this special jutsu of my clan."


"It was a very special one. It was taught to me one day when I was very young," Naruto replied. He took a deep breath before shakily bringing his hands together in the ram sign. If it didn't work, he would die. He knew that. But Sakura and Sasuke didn't. 

"Yami Clan Forbidden Technique: KAMI'S BLESSING!"

A cold wind flew furiously across the threesome. A bright light descended from the dark, cloudy sky. Sakura and Sasuke winced and squinted their eyes, trying to adjust to the brightness.

"Naruto Uzumaki. You called me?" A booming, feminine voice asked. It held majestic authority, the tone commanding yet kind.

"Hey Marshmallow-chan!" Naruto grinned weakly up at the bright light.

"Oi! I'm not a marshmallow, I'm the goddess of light! Just because I wear white doesn't mean I'm a marshmallow! Have some respect, Naruto-kun!" The goddess snapped, her voice changing to a normal human tone.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever Marshmallow-chan. I called to ask a favor." 

"Of course you did. Why else would you use that damn jutsu?"

"Marshmallow-chan, can you send me and my two friends back in time?"

Kami frowned thoughtfully. "Mm. Just you would be guaranteed, but three of you. . . how far back do you want to go?"

"A few hours before Obito died," Sasuke spoke up.

"Ah, Sasuke Uchiha. Pleasure to meet you. Or is it? Anyway, if I remember correctly, I think it was Naruto who called me. Is that ideal, Naruto-kun?" 

"Yes. Obito's death was how everything went downhill."

"Very well. I will turn back time for you. You have only a year to complete your quest. Your past selves will be there when you reach the time that you had been born. Meaning, the Nine-Tails' attack may be avoided, as the Uchiha Massacre. After your time has run out, you will return to when you went to Academy. Even my power cannot possibly send you back to exactly this time after your year in the past. Will that be alright?"

"Yes Marshmallow-chan, thank you. If all goes well, that will mean that Sasuke will have his family, and I will have my parents too. Sakura, Sasuke, hold onto me. Otherwise I may leave you behind. Whatever happens, don't let go."

Sasuke and Sakura nodded, latching onto his shoulders.

Kami raised her hands. "I will see you someday, Naruto Uzumaki. For now, it is goodbye."

And everything turned black for the threesome as they disappeared from the devastating destruction on the battlefield.

"Ah, I forgot to tell them that they will have their powers as well. Ah well. They can find out for themselves. Dear me, what in the world happened here?! It's almost like it was a battle raging on for months on end!"


Sorry couldn't resist that. XD

Anyway, how was it? I hope it was alright for you. Please give me any ideas you think would be nice for this story, or want me to add in. I'm happy for you to ask if I can update other stories too, if you like.

Anyway that's it for today! Stay the way you are always because there is no one who can ever replace you!


For the Future, I Wish to Change the PastOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz