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So, I kinda got bored. Screw the D-ranks! Let's get to the C-rank or A-rank whatever you wanna call it.

Oh, and I have some decisions I need you guys to make about the weapons they should wield.


- Sword/Katana

- Wind Blades/Knuckle Knives (Asuma's blades)

- Chakra Chains (primary or secondary?)

- Your choice

- No weapon


- Sword

- Your choice

- No weapon


- Dagger

- A sword similar to one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist (I'll pick)

- Your choice

- No weapon


"Granny can we please get a more exciting mission?" Naruto pleaded. "We're good enough aren't we?"

Tsunade sighed. "You're only five. But if you insist. . . Kakashi?"

"Oh they're strong enough alright," the Jonin said immediately, leaning his head to the left to pop his sore neck.

Naruto and Sasuke rolled their eyes and Sakura cracked her knuckles.

Tsunade mentally debated with herself before giving in. "Alright. . . you want a harder mission? I'll give you a C-rank."

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura high-fived in triumph, grinning gleefully.

"You better be wary of trouble at all times, alright?" Her brown eyes stared sternly at her grandson.

"Yes Granny," he said obediently.

"The Chuunin Exams will be held here in Konoha when you are back, so please try to return unscathed. I'm thinking of nominating you three, since you are clearly prodigies of your generation. And I know it's just a C-rank mission but with you guys. . . anything can happen," Tsunade frowned worriedly.

'Oh how right you are, Granny,' Naruto thought gleefully.

"Don't worry about us Granny, we can take care of ourselves!" the blonde responded cheerfully.

Tsunade smiled softly before calling, "Tazuna, you can come in now!"

A very drunken old man came wobbling into the room.

"You'll be protecting Tazuna as he journeys back to the Land of the Waves. He's a bridge builder," Tsunade told the trio.

"Huh? These brats are supposed to protect me? I hired shinobi, not brats!" Tazuna slurred.

Tsunade glanced towards her grandson's team, and was surprised that they weren't lashing out the rude man who just insulted them. Instead, Sakura and Naruto were sweatdropping as Sasuke's eyebrow twitched.

"I assure you they are fully qualified to protect you," Kakashi reassured him. "And besides, I'm a Jonin so you are in safe hands."

Tazuna only grunted in response.

For the Future, I Wish to Change the PastKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat