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So, what did you think with Yahiko turning to the dark side? Do you want him to, or should it be a brief period of darkness? Should he be the main villain?

Why do you think Yahiko is angry? 1. He is possessed/controlled

2. He's just feeling betrayed

Another question/poll:

- YahiKonan

- KoTachi

"So," Naruto said softly, landing beside Nagato. "That was unexpected."

Nagato shook his head. "He was always the cheerful, happy-go-lucky one, even as a child. I don't understand why he's turned to the dark side."

"Either he's feeling deep betrayal, or he's just being used by Madara," Sasuke voiced out his thoughts.

"That bastard," Nagato growled lowly, clenching his hands into fists.

Konan was standing a ways away from them, gazing unblinkingly at the spot where Yahiko once stood, before he had vanished in a fit of rage.

Konan closed her amber eyes, allowing her thoughts to wonder. What would happen now?


The blue-haired woman opened her eyes and turned to see Nagato. His purple eyes held regret in them, and Konan knew he must be blaming himself.

Quietly walking over, Konan placed a hand on his shoulder. "It is not your fault."

Nagato's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to protest. Konan quickly cut him off before he could say anything.

"It was not your fault. Yahiko simply perceived our actions as an act of betrayal. He did not see what we were seeing, he did not understand why we were leaving him after the many years of staying together. Please do not blame yourself."

Nagato's eyes were shadowed by his bangs. "But if only I -"

"Nagato, enough. The choice was Yahiko's. He could've stayed with the light, as we had somewhat foolishly expected, or he could've strayed and fall prey to the dark. Nothing either of us could do would change his decision."

But Konan did not truly believe her words. She felt sure that maybe, just maybe, if she had let Nagato go to Konoha himself as they had planned originally, and she stayed with Yahiko, things would've turned out differently.

"Maybe we could get him back?" Nagato said hopefully. "He can't be too far into the darkness. . . maybe his child self can balance him out? Maybe he's being controlled by Madara, like Naruto said! Maybe -"

The look in Konan's eyes made him stop rambling.

"Nagato, Konan."

The two former Akatsuki members turned. Naruto, his brother and Sakura were standing there with their backs to them to allow them some privacy as they tried to accept what just happened.

"Let's go."

Two words. Two words was the only thing it took to make reality crash onto the redhead and bluenette.

They made their choice.

Yahiko made his.

There was no turning back now.

For the Future, I Wish to Change the PastWhere stories live. Discover now