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Okay so I may be updating slower than usual because since I'm getting into higher grade I need more time to study, so I'll only be writing/reading during school. As in lunch breaks, recesses and after I'm done with my work.


Now for the Naruto's weapon polls:


Wind Blades/Knuckle Knives - 8

Hiraishin Kunai attached to chakra chains - 8

It's a tie! Naruto will use both weapons, however his primary weapon will be the Knuckle Knives and his secondary, the Hiraishin kunai with chains will come in later.


Anyway, here you go - the next chapter of Wave Mission!


"Sasuke. Tazuna, Ino or Tenten. Kiss Marry Kill?"

They had been travelling for about half an hour after the incident with the Demon Brothers, and the siblings were running out of people to use for their "game".

Sasuke wrinkled his nose. "Really Ruto? Ugh, I guess I'd Kiss Ino, Marry Tenten and Kill Tazuna."

Sakura snickered. "Let me guess, you'd rather kiss a fangirl than marry her, and you hate Tazuna."

"Drunken old man," Sasuke muttered angrily as his siblings giggled.

"Okay Sakura. Gaara, Rock Lee or Neji. Kiss Marry Kill?"

"Hmm, Kiss Lee, Marry Gaara and Kill Neji. Sorry Neji," Sakura apologized to the sky for the fifth time that day.

"Guys quit the game already!" Kakashi scowled. "We're here."

"Finally!" they yelled in unison, breaking into a sprint and before a minute had passed, disappeared into the extremely foggy forest.

Kakashi and Tazuna sweatdropped before rushing into the forest at the alarmed yell of, "Moo-moo Man!"

Kakashi stopped as he saw his genin standing before a man with a large sword on his back, bandages wrapped around his mouth, cow-print arm warmers and matching pants.

"Moo-moo Man?" Despite the situation, Kakashi couldn't help but sweatdrop at his team's choice of words. For like, the thousandth time that day.

"Zabuza Momochi," Sasuke said seriously, never taking his eyes off the man. "The Demon of the Mist."

The high tension between the three children suddenly snapped as Naruto's face broke out into a grin and he folded his arms behind his head. Sasuke and Sakura smirked, dropping their guard as Sakura took out a three books and passed them to her siblings.

Naruto's was titled, "Ichibi, Kyuubi, and Those in Between". Sasuke's was "Dōjutsus of the World" and Sakura took out a book labelled "Genjutsu of the Uchiha - How to Prevent and Break Out".

"Kakashi of the Sharingan. I'm honored to meet you," Zabuza said sarcastically.

"Likewise, Zabuza," Kakashi bowed mockingly.

For the Future, I Wish to Change the PastKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat