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Sasuke opened his eyes and blinked. He nearly freaked out when he saw the all-too familiar face of his beloved older brother, Itachi Uchiha.

He suddenly became aware of Itachi's arms tightly gripping his tiny baby body, and the sound of soft sobbing reached his ears. His onyx eyes shifted to his mother, who was quietly crying with his father's arm around her, eyes holding deep sorrow and grief.

Suddenly something orange and yellow caught his eye.


The strange thing was, there was no sound coming from the colourful bundle, which worried him greatly. Naruto was a very loud child, so why wasn't he making a racket? And why was his mother crying?

Itachi suddenly moved, and Sasuke, to his great relief, found himself moving closer to Naruto.

"Little Brother, this is Naruto Uzumaki. His parents as well as Lord Third died last night, so Mother and Father adopted him. He will be your new little brother, okay?" Itachi said softly.

Sasuke's onyx eyes widened as he realized what happened. Minato's and Kushina's deaths hadn't been prevented. That's why his mother was crying. And to make things worse, Hiruzen Sarutobi was killed too.

Naruto's azure-blue eyes were staring blankly into space. Sasuke made a gurgling baby-noise to try and catch the other baby's attention.

It worked.

Piercing blue eyes locked onto onyx eyes. Naruto's mouth quirked up into a little smile, but his heart wasn't in it. His eyes didn't have the mischievous sparkle, instead it held a dull, defeated look.

I failed in my mission to protect my parents, his eyes seemed to say.

Sasuke wanted nothing more than for Sakura to be here, so they, as his surrogate siblings and teammates, could comfort him. Sure he could do it himself, but without Sakura it would take double the time. After all, he spent a major portion of his previous life as an arrogant, non-social brat.

"Itachi," the soft voice of Mikoto called over. "I think it's time for Sasuke-chan's nap."

Sasuke saw the twinkling in Naruto's eyes and knew exactly what he was thinking. As best as he could, Sasuke scowled at the other baby.

"Put Naru-chan with him."

Naruto froze up and if Sasuke wasn't as shocked as him, he would've laughed. This was the very first time either of them had heard someone call him "Naru-chan".

"Yes Mother," Itachi said quietly as he carefully picked up Naruto as well before moving to Sasuke's room and placing them side-by-side in his bed, raising the "gates" which would stop them from falling off the bed.

"Sweet dreams Little Brothers," Itachi muttered, tucking them into the duvets before leaving the room.

Sasuke rolled over and looked at the tuft of blonde hair that was shaking slightly. The raven opened his mouth to try and talk, but all that came out was baby babble.

It was really frustrating.

So Sasuke improvised, sitting up as he crawled, yes crawled over to the other baby and put his arms around Naruto as far as his short and chubby arms could go.

Naruto peeked backwards in shock.

Sasuke's left lip curled up into a smirk Naruto knew all too well. But this time, it wasn't mocking, but a reassuring smirk that said Don't worry, we're gonna change the past TOGETHER, okay?

For the Future, I Wish to Change the PastWhere stories live. Discover now