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Hehe, the meetings may turn out to be a bit lame because I don't really know how to deal with it.


"So this is the Hidden Mist Village!" Karin exclaimed, her eyes literally becoming stars.

"Is this your first time in a major village apart from your home?" Sasuke asked, smiling.

"Yep! I can't wait to see everything!" Karin cried happily, literally skipping ahead of them.

Over the week she had been travelling with them, the Uzumaki had very quickly gotten the hang of tree-jumping, and under the guidance of Naruto, mastered tree-walking and water-walking in three days. They found out her affinites were Earth and Water, and from there Sakura trained her in Earth jutsu while Naruto trained her in Water.

They had also discovered that Karin possessed a unique sensory ability called "The Mind's Eye of Kagura", which allowed her to sense any target's chakra signature. Unlike most sensors who would normally have to mould their chakra first, Karin managed to detect chakra targets without any conscious effort. Using this ability, Karin could detect the presence of others, easily discerning a specific individual, even its species, from a great distance. She could also determine the size of the target's chakra reserves and it's potency.

The four had discovered this when Karin told Naruto that she sensed a human-shaped figure that was glowing blue walking towards them. She had stated that it seemed quite powerful, and was surprised when the figure turned out to be Sasuke as walked into their campsite after going out fishing for dinner. Needless to say, he was rather surprised when he saw Naruto and Sakura ready to attack him.

"Naru! This water's strange!" Karin called over from where she had stopped running.

Naruto blinked before walking over. "Strange how?"

"It doesn't feel like normal water. . ." Karin frowned. "As in, not the touch sense, but in sensory sense. Do you understand?"

"Ah, I've encountered something like this before. It's probably someone under a henge, and if I had to guess. . ."

Naruto turned to Sasuke, who blinked before a mischievous grin spread.


Itachi sighed as he stared at his mother, who was lying asleep in her bed. Since the day Team 7 left, Mikoto was either sleeping or crying. Most of the time sleeping, which Fugaku and Itachi were grateful for.

After the search party had returned home, the Hokage had declared that there were going to be no more search parties until Team 7 came home, obviously on their own accord as no one knew their whereabouts.

Itachi had protested strongly against this, however Tsunade stood her ground and ordered him to stay home and take care of his mother. Like his father wasn't. . . but that wasn't the point! The point was that he was being denied the right of retrieving his troublesome little brothers and easing the heartache and worry his mother was currently harbouring.

'Damnit Sasuke, Naruto, come home already! ' Itachi growled mentally. It had been thirty days since they went missing.

[Correct me if I'm wrong, since my mental math sucks. They were travelling to the Grass for twenty days, spent two days scouting, one day retrieving Karin, and a week travelling to the Mist. Am I correct in saying it is thirty days?]

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