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I kind of just got introduced to the idea of FuNaru, and now I'm kind of sad you guys voted single for all of them :(

Well a majority voted on meeting the other jinchuuriki. . . yeah whatever I can't care less. I got my sleep and I'm happy. 

Sort of.

I'm kinda irked someone just asked me to adopt one of my stories when I said pretty clearly that it was not up for adoption.


"Naruto, Naruto. Naruto! NARUTO! "

"Ouch, what the hell?!" Naruto jumped up. He heard snickering in his head and he immediately scowled.

"Yagura, was that you? "

"Yeah, just testing the telepathy link. . . and waking you up."

"I hate you."

"Love you too."

"Gaara, the One-Tails' jinchuuriki, said the same thing."

"It's a typical response."

"Screw off, I'm going to find Han, Roshi and Fuu."

"And then? "

"Go home. . . anything wrong with that? "

"No. . . no. Just Isobu was telling me about this. . . attraction so to speak, that the Seven-Tails' jinchuuriki seems to have with you."

"The frick? " Naruto asked dumbly.

"I'm saying -"

"Yagura don't bother. Naruto doesn't understand the concept of love," Kurama interrupted. "And do you really have all this time to talk?"

"I'm actually just escaping from doing paperwork," Yagura admitted sheepishly.

Naruto hid a laugh. "Sorry buddy, but we're heading to the Rock now. Catch ya later." And then he cut the telepathic link.

"So, any ideas on a henge? "

"Wow, I thought you forgot that the Rock hated you," Kurama said in amusement.

"Shut up. I should've known you wouldn't be any help.

"Then why'd you ask?"

Naruto rolled his eyes before henging into a boy with black hair, not bothering to hide his blue eyes and whiskers.

Naruto rolled his eyes before henging into a boy with black hair, not bothering to hide his blue eyes and whiskers

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