Best Served Cold

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"How you doing," Caitlin sullenly asked the unmoving figure in the med bay.

After he attended iris's funeral, Barry kind of just stopped functioning. He was nearly always in the med bay bed, in the fetal position, never saying a word. Catlin knew better than to try to pull him out of his slump of grief, so she would place a tray of food nearby him and not force him to talk. It was heartbreaking to watch, really.

When Barry didn't answer she sadly nodded her head and moved out to the hall. She couldn't look at him anymore. Or, his back, that is. She was halfway to the elevator when her phone started ringing.

"Felicity," she rested her phone against her ear.

"Hi," Felicity said from her computer. "So, I was able to find where she is staying."

"How? I just asked you to do this three minutes ago."

"That's because she hasn't left her house."

"Well, where's her address?"

"2914 East Hiland Way, apartment 20."


Caitlin was more than angry. She was fuming. If Kara thought she could break up with him for such petty reasons, she had another thing coming.

She buckled herself into her small, mint car and wasted no time leaving the parking lot. She punched the address into the navigational system and began on the road.


Kara's day was not going nicely. It started off with a very loud alarm clock, followed by an alien attack. Although, she personally wouldn't call it an attack. Rather a peaceful protest... interrupted.

There was a group of protesters out by the National City pier, attempting to halt the work of fishermen. These people believed a fish had just as much a right to live as a human. So, naturally, they all handcuffed themselves to the docks, just enough of them to prevent access to the boats and other such fishing equipment.

It was kind of nice to see the humans were starting to take other lives into consideration, but when a fisherman tried to get passed the handcuffs, they probably didn't expect to see a face being morphed into something a little more alien.

The man stepped back in fright and shouted some unholy words about the alien, causing a loud, inhuman screech to come from her mouth. The fisherman plugged his ears and tumbled to the ground, his face, far more grotesque then started, almost looked melted.

She had radioactive breath.

The "battle" between her and Supergirl was "fun." It was like avoiding someone with bad breath, except if she did, she'd die, and she had to be making physical contact. Getting to her back to face was easier said than done; especially when all the people started pointing her out in the sky. The DEO also made some sort of anti radiation mask to put over her mouth, looking a bit like a medal medical mask.

After that joyous occasion, she went to another day at work, aka the place where Keira exists. There she had to file a ton of paperwork for Winn, who was out sick all day. The flu was making quite the comeback that year, causing quite the irritation to Ms. Grant.

By the time she got home it was eight pm. All she really wanted to do was eat cereal on her couch while watching some cartoons. But she was out of cereal. Her eyes grew more and more weary until she fell asleep on her couch, suit and all, listening to the Secret Squirrel theme song.


"Kara, I miss you," she listened the the fortieth message from Barry. Typically they wouldn't sound too different, but there was something about this one that had particularly interested her.

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