Chapter 35

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Emily's pov

''i feel nauseous'' i said and she chuckled

''you get used it after you really throw up'' she said

''well fuck'' i said

''yeah its weird but we are all used to it'' she said

''thats really cool but for sure we will go sounds like fun'' i said and smiled

''and hey if you need anything i will be here for you'' she said and smiled

''thank you that means alot'' i said and smiled and aaron brought over mari.

''she said she's tired'' he said and i chuckled

''she just wants attention'' i said and smiled and i grabbed her and she started to giggle.

''when she says she's tired during the day i know she just want's to be carried and wants attention'' i said and chuckled

''ain't that right princess'' i said and smiled and she chuckled and i looked at aaron and he smiled

''you okay?'' i said

''yeah im just im glad you both are home so i don't miss anymore times like this'' he said and smiled and i gave him a hug and then we went to go take some pictures with everyone and over all it was an amazing night.

''how does it feel to be back home'' jake said 

''feels great to be very honest'' i said and smiled

''where did you and mari go like what happened em'' naomi said

''we got the note and i was deep down scared but angry so we went to mark and lexi's house and told them and i came up with the plan to run so i said i was gonna go lay her down and i put her in a baby carrier and jumped out the window and i told aaron and at that moment he just agreed he knew it was the only way we had no plan to fight this. So i ran i grabbed the bag i made for her and went home and packed all my stuff and got on my bike then went to a car dealer shop where the guy knew aaron so he gave me the car and aaron paid it off thats what the car payments were then i went to wal-mart and i got a box of hair dye thats why my hair is like brown and blonde and um then we drove for two hours and we stopped at a hotel and stayed for the night then mari woke me up early in the morning so we watched the sunrise and then we went to get breakfast i gave her a bottle and then we took off to san francisco and thats where we have been for the past eight almost nine months'' i said and smiled

''can you watch mari for a second i have to use the restroom'' i said and he nodded and i walked to the restroom and i heard talking and i hid my scent.

''did you know she was coming back?'' a man said

''no i had no idea but the good thing is now we don't have to look for her and her stupid kid. She's here and we have her exactly where we want her.'' a girl with a familiar voice said

''emily can run and play hide and seek but she always gets a little cocky i wonder how tough she will be when her kid is dead'' the man said and i just lost it my wolf was boiling with not anger but boiling rage. My wolf tore through the dress and shook out her fur and licked her lips growling and turned the corner to see................


Sorry! I haven't updated as much as i used to i had this essay that took me so long to finish so i had to finish that but i promise tomorrow i will shoot for at least three chapters up!

-Des :)

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