Chapter 20

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''I love hurting the ones I love.''


''So-o...yo-ou did....''

Colby sluttered.

''Yes. I was the one that killed Hailey.''

I answered.

Silence again. Everybody was shocked and couldn't believe it.

''Why? Just...WHY?''

Gage asked.

''Why you ask....I'll tell you why. Hailey was really close to me- she was basically my sister. But I didn't want her to get too close to me...I didn't want her to find out murders...''

I said.

''I-I' confused...''

Sam said.

''Why do you think I moved here in the first place?''

I asked.

''I thought your parents made you move...''

Colby said.

''They did. Before I moved here I had 2 other best friends- Emily and Alissa. They were really close to me...Like Hailey. But Emily used to cut herself...Once I caught her doing it in her bathroom...I remember the blood falling from her wrist on the floor...I remember those fresh cuts and the pain on her face..I remember the knife...I was just standing there....Looking at her. She was crying and begging for my forgiveness...I had this urge and I couldn't hold it in...I took her knife and stabbed her with it...The scream...her scream was incredible...The blood dripping.....I realized that she was dead and I started crying...But I liked seeing her dead...''

Everybody had their mouths open. I continued.

''I made it look like a suicide and after that I got the kill again. But I couldn't just kill strangers...So you can guess what happened with Alissa too. Rumors were spreading around about me killing them...I always denied them but my parents started believing them....That's why we moved..''

Sam was covering his face with his hands. Colby was crying and Gage was just standing shock.

''When me and Hailey met...I knew that the same thing would happen...And it did...I just can't hold back on this urge can I?''

''You are insane. You are a psycho.''

Sam said.

I smiled at him. I pulled out the same knife that I killed Hailey with.

I saw him trying to get out his phone.

I tackled him right away. Colby and Gage were trying to get me off of him but they couldn't...

Sam was fighting back...But then it happened again.

I stabbed him.

He collapsed on the floor and blood started coming out of his body. Tears were forming in my eyes but at the same time I was smiling.

''SAM NO!''

Colby screamed.

Gage ran towards me and started punching me.

I could hear Colby screams and cries and they were truly heartbreaking.

Gage was bigger and stronger than me so I couldn't push him off of me. I was just about to stab him when Colby pulled him back.

''She's insane! There is no point in fighting her she can kill you!''

Colby screamed at Gage.

Gage ran over to Sam, picked him up and started to run away with Colby.

I was going to let them go but I couldn't.

That's when I realized that they forgot that they had a car.

How stupid do you have to be to forget?

I climbed inside of it and began driving in the direction that they were running in.

Soon I caught up to them and got out of the car and since Colby was behind I ran and hugged him from behind.

I really wish that he would hug me back.

He was just about to free himself when I stabbed his arm.

He screamed in pain and I smiled to myself.

''This is not just your pain. It's ours.''

HOLD UP! There's going to be an epilogue and a final chapter where I'll thank you for reading and bla bla bla you get it.
It's the final chapter of Ours. Sowwy.
But there are some good news 😉
Can't tell you though.


Ours- Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now