Chapter 7

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''What's going on in here Sydney?''

I freaked out. What was I supposed to say? I had A GUY over. It would have been fine if it was Sam....but COLBY??

''Umm...Dad...we're just....writing homework together an-''

''Why are you both crying?''

My dad asked.

I looked at Colby and saw that he's crying too.

''Sir....I swe-''


I interrupted him.

''DAD, its okay....he's...a friend. He's Sam's friend.''



He got quiet.

''He's just a friend....and he came over for a little bit. Nothing to worry about.''

He calmed down a little bit. He still looks angry though.

''I know Sydney that you have friends over all the time. They always climb through the window and I know that. Just be careful. And don't let strangers in. Only people that you know.''

''Dad...why would I let strangers in?''

Silence. For a few minutes there was only silence.

But it was really awkward. I

''I'm Colby. Sam's friend''

I looked at him. Yes, now is the PERFECT time to be introducing yourself. What a wonderful idea.

''Just call me Todd''

They shook hands and Colby smiled at him. My dad smiled back at him.

''Now get out of my house''

I... I was not expecting that... But to be honest I did want him out of my house too.

Colby looked at me. I didn't know what to tell him.


He started walking towards the window.

''There is a front door you know.''

I told him.

''Oh...umm yeah. Bye...I guess''

I just waved at him. He waved back.

And he left.

It was only me and my dad in my room.

''Dad, I'm going to do my home-''

''Sydney, we really need to talk about this....''

''About what?''

''About you always having people over! We talked about this before but I guess we need to talk about it again. I have told you before that you should ask me or your mother when you want friends over. Also your room is a mess! How can you be inviting people over? Aren't you ashamed of yourself?''

'' do realize I'm not the only one with a messy room? Every teenager's room is a mess. It's normal.''

''Okay okay....Just please tell me when someone's over.''

''I will Dad...''

''Also, why are you crying?''

''I was...just thinking about Hailey. That's all''

My dad sat next to me on my bed. This is going to take a while.

''I know it's hard for you Sydney....and its okay to cry. Just keep yourself together and focus on your grades, okay?''

''Yes dad..''

''Also one more question...''

I finally decided to look at him.


''Why was he crying?''

I haven't actually thought about that...why was HE crying? I never thought that I would actually see Colby Brock crying..

''I don't know''

He just looked at me and smiled.

''Well, I think I have annoyed you enough today. Do your homework''

''Okay I will. Bye''

My dad got up and walked out the door.


I just got up and started walking in circles, letting my mind wonder. Why was Colby crying? Why did I let him in my house? WHY WAS HE SO NICE TO ME.

That's not him...Maybe he's doing a prank on me. That's probably it.

But what does this mean now? Is he going to be nice now? Or is he still going to continue getting his anger out on me? Or will this just make things awkward?

But maybe this IS a prank and he's just going to make fun of me tomorrow. Ugh.

I'll ask Sam about it tomorrow. I'm too lazy to text him now.

Maybe Colby does have a nice side...maybe he is a nice person.

But then I remembered something he told me.


''And why-y did he die?''

''Cause...the girl he was bullying committed suicide and he couldn't live with himself...Yeah I miss Gage..''

I broke the hug and looked at him.



Gage killed my best friend.


Hey! I decided to post a little bit early. (You deserve it) I hope this chapter is....ok
Have a great day!

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