Chapter 10

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''But why do you have the knife?"'

''What do you mean?''

''You know what I mean. Why do you have the knife that Hailey killed herself with?''

''It is our knife. From the kitchen''

'' told me you found her in her bathroom. In her house!''

I didn't reply to that.

'' is kind of odd that you have that knife...''

''Sam...Do you actually think that I killed my best friend?''

''No! It's just....odd''

Then everything clicked.

''Is that why everyone was looking at me today? Do people think I'm a murderer?''

''Well....there is a rumor...''

''Who...who started it?''

Sam was quiet for a little bit.

''I don't know.''


Why would people believe that stupid rumor? Now everyone will be afraid of me like I'm some kind of monster!

''Sam...I didn't do anything to her. You believe me right?''

No answer...


Still no answer. He didn't even looking at me.

''Sam! Do you believe me?''

He finally looked at me.

''Sydney...You know I don't like lying to you...''

I was tearing up. Everything was building up and I was about to explode..

''Please don't's just...I don't know.''

''I don't need to hear more. Bye.''

I started walking away.

He didn't even try to stop me.

I was crying.

When I got home I ran up the stairs to my room and shut the door.

I collapsed on my bed and the thoughts began.

Who spread the rumor? Why did they do it? Why are people believing this crap? What am I supposed to do now? Will someone help me? Will they be scared of me now? Will I get expelled? Will I go to prison????

Well, no I won't cause I didn't kill her but no one will believe me!

Even Sam doesn't trust me for God's sake.

Why does this happen to me?

Did Colby do it?

Maybe he did.

But he doesn't know that I have the knife...

Sam will never do that...



But I never did anything to her! We are good friends! It won't make sense...

Nobody knows about Hailey except for my family, Amanda and Sam. Colby knows...a little bit. Why the hell did I even tell him about her!


My father yelled.


No response.


Still nothing..

I got up and went downstairs.


Both of my parents were very serious looking.

''When did you get home? I didn't see you coming in.''

My mom asked.

''About 15 minutes ago and strange..''

''Umm... Sydney, I hope you don't mind me asking sweetie but..Do you really have the knife that know..?''

I was in disbelief right now. This is a joke.

''Why are you asking me this?''

''Just curious.''

My dad said.

''Did someone tell you to ask me?''

''No, we just want to know.''


''Sydney, answer the question!''

My dad yelled.

I actually jumped. I got scared and jumped. He was never this strict towards me. He has never yelled at me.

Tears were forming in my eyes.

''Why...why did you yell at me?''

I asked quietly but loud enough for them to hear.

''Just answer the question!''

He yelled again.

''Honey, please calm down..''

My mother told him.

''I just want a yes or no answer! Is that to much to ask for?''

Dad said to mom.

I don't like him yelling. Why is he so mad?

He was waiting for an answer.

''Sydney....Answer me. Do you have the knife?''

I couldn't hold back the tears anymore...

''YES! You happy? I hope you are!''

I yelled.

He looked at me. He was in shock. But he got really angry..

''SYDNEY! You don't talk to me like that all right!''

''Todd, please calm down she's sc-''

Dad started walking towards me but I ran up the stairs, tripping a couple times, ran in my room and slammed the door.

I leaned on it and sat down, putting my knees up to my chest and berried my head in them.

I was crying so much.

My dad has never shouted at me. I don't know what he was going to do to me when he started walking towards me...Was he going to slap me?

That thought just broke my heart..

Who told them that though? When I find out who did it I will berry that person alive.

Everything that has ever happened to me hit me like a wave and I just started crying even more if that is even possible.

Colby, Hailey's death, the rumor, not moving, my dad shouting at me, Sam not trusting me, people acting differently around me, the knife...

All the emotions hit me at once.

I've never cried so much in my life...

As I was loudly crying I jumped up when I heard a rock being thrown at my window.

I got up to see who it is...

I opened the window and...

''Sydney...Can I come up?''

He softly smiled at me.

''What the hell are you doing here Colby?''

Ours- Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now