Chapter 8

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It's 3:24 am. School is in a few hours.

But I'm not tired.

I'm just laying in my bed, trying to switch off my mind so I can stop asking myself questions that I know I won't get answers to.

Why was Colby so nice to me? Why did he cry? Why did he share so much with me? Why was he in my house?

Oh yeah...I let him in.

Did his brother really kill my best friend?

That son of a bitch.

I can see where the bully gene comes from.

My brain won't shut up. I want to bang my head somewhere so I can finally stop questioning my life.

After a couple more hours of staring at the ceiling, wondering why I'm such a wreck my alarm goes off.

And the day begins.

I get up to get dressed and just looked at all my scars in the mirror.

There are a lot.

But in a way...I guess I deserve it.

After I got ready and ate breakfast I head out the door to go to hell.

When I arrived I tried to find Amanda but I couldn't find her. Oh well. I guess I'm alone today.

I quickly walked to my locker to get my books, hoping a certain someone won't come.

Should I be worried though?

He acted like a totally new person yesterday. Maybe people do change and he's going to be nice today.

Haha....who am I kidding?

I still have some time before my first class so I just sat on my phone for a few minutes.

I still can't get Colby out of my mind.

Why can't you just get out of my brain already??

''Hey Sydney!''

I looked up and smiled when I saw Sam walking towards me.

''Hey Sam!''

But soon my smile disappeared when I saw Colby with him.

''Sydney I just wanted to ask you if you're up to come with me, Colby and our friends to the cinema.''

''Umm I don't know...When are you going?''


Answered Colby with a smile.

With a fake smile.

''I'll think about it''

''Okay! Just call me when you make up your mind.''

Sam said.

''Sure thing''

''I gotta go to class so talk to you later!''

He said and waved while walking to a classroom.

Gosh Sam is so nice.

Why is such an angel hanging out with a demon?

But maybe Colby will be nice to me now.

''Don't think you're safe just cause Sam's your friend.''

Colby whispered to me.

Guess not.

''Why do you do this to me?''

I just simply asked.

The bell rang.

''I don't have time to deal with idiots like you.''

He said and walked off.

I really don't understand that person. 

I went to class.

Classes pass really slowly. Like really slowly.

At lunch I just sat at the library reading a random book while eating something I grabbed from the kitchen cupboard.

After that while I was walking to class, people kept looking at me and whispering something to their group of friends. Others kept their distance from me. What's going on?

When I got to class and sat down at a random desk, people kept looking at me. Seriously, what's going on?

I decided to ask a random girl that sat behind me.

''Why are you all staring at me?''

''I think you know why.''

''I...don't even know what's going on''

The girl just looked down and whispered.



''You're such an emotionless human being do you know that?''

I made strong eye contact with the girl after she said that.

Is she serious?

I was so confused. I just turned around and started questioning myself again.

Why did she just call me a murderer? Why is the whole school looking at me like I just fell from Mars?

_After school_

I still didn't know what was going on. I was starting to walk home when I got a text message from Sam.

-Can you wait for me? I need to talk to you.-

Why does he need to talk to me?


Right after when I hit ''send'' someone pushed me to the ground.


''Don't you dare make any sounds you fool!''

I opened my eyes and saw Colby. As I expected.

''What did I do to you this time?!''

''Well to me- nothing. But to the only person who cared about you- you did.''


He punched me.

''I said don't make any sounds!''

I wiped my nose and saw that I had blood on my hand.

''Stop injuring me every single day!''

I yelled at him.

''Stop screaming at me and I will!''

He was about to punch me again...

Until I saw Sam.

''Colby, what the hell are you doing?!'

Ours- Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now