Chapter 16

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We lost him.

''Goddamnit Colby! If it wasn't you and your 'trying to be ninja' weirdness we wouldn't have lost him!''

''Umm I'm sorry but I wasn't the one always tripping over nothing and slowing us down!''

I put my hands on my face.

''Why are we even following him? Maybe he has to be somewhere.''

I asked.

''He said he was going home. His house isn't in this direction.''

He replied.


We had no idea where we were. We were just walking and walking and hiding and running until we realized we were lost. We even lost Sam.

Time flew by. It's been an hour and a half since we finished school.

God. I'm so tired.

''We should go back..''

I said.

''But we need to find Sam! We don't know what he's doing! Maybe he got kidnapped or maybe he went to a strip club or-''

''Calm down. I bet he's fine.''

I sat down on the sidewalk. Colby did the same.

''Maybe I should call him.''

He said.

''Colby- Sam is fine! Don't worry. You need to be worrying about the fact that we are lost and need to go back!''

''How the hell am I supposed to not worry about him Sydney! He's my best friend! He can be dead!''

''No, Colby. He is fine. He's not going to die or anything.''

''How are you not worrying about him!''

''Cause I know he's fine! He's not a baby and he can take care of himself.''

Colby sighed.

''Guess you're right.''

He said.

''I am.''

We stayed silent for a little bit trying to remember where we came from and where our homes are.

''You need to do some explaining.''

I told him.

He didn't answer.


Still didn't answer. He was looking at the ground.


I went up to him and raised his head with my hand so he can look at me.

He looked straight into my eyes.

God...his eyes are like the ocean..Why haven't I noticed them before?

''Colby. Tell me.''

''Tell you what?''

''Don't act like a dumbass. You know what I'm talking about.''

He grabbed both of my hands, pulled me into him and hugged me.

''I just don't want you to get in the hands of the wrong people.''

He said.

''What do you mean? Give me a proper answer!''

He hugged me tighter.

I wasn't complaining.

''That neighborhood is known for being dangerous. Most murders and rapes in the town happen there.''

''Then why didn't you tell me that in the start!''

''I thought you knew.''

''But still..I didn't even do anything so why would someone kill me for no reason?''

He didn't answer.

''Colby Brock! Answer me!''

I tried to get out of his grip but I couldn't.

''Colby! What do you want from me?!''

And then he started tickling me.

''Stop! What the hell! Don't change the subject!''

I couldn't stop laughing.

After a while I got out of his hands.

He won't tell me anything though..

I'm just gonna find out myself.

''Let's go.''

He said.


I asked.

He stood up and offered me his hand.

''Home. Obviously.''

I took it and got up.


We started walking somewhere. We didn't know where but it was somewhere. Hopefully home.

After 5 minutes of silence and walking we came across a bridge.

''I didn't know we had a river in our town.''

Colby said.


I asked.

He nodded.

There was somebody sitting on the railing.

''Oh my God...Who the hell is that?''

I asked.

Colby started running towards the person.

The thought of someone trying to take away their life is scary...really scary.

I started running towards them too.

Colby and I stopped behind the person until we realized...

It was Sam.

''Sam! What are you doing?!''

I screamed.

His head turned around. His eyes were read and puffy. Another tear fell.

It broke my heart to see him like this.

''I'm sorry..''

He said.

My eyes watered.

Before he did anything else I grabbed his wrist.

''No.....please stay.''

I said.

''Why are you doing this? You're life is amazing and there is no reason for you to kill yourself.''

Colby told him while grabbing his other wrist.

''My..My parents..''

Sam couldn't speak. He was crying to much.

''Come down here.''

I said.

He got off the railing and hugged us immediately.

''What's wrong?''

Colby asked.

Sam didn't answer right away because he was crying too much but after a little bit he broke the hug and looked at the ground.

He sighed.

''My parents kicked me out.''


Colby and I said at the same time.


I asked.

He finally looked at us.

''I'm gay"

Ours- Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now