S i x t e e n

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Kari and I decided to go skateboarding near the beach. It was almost time for the sun to set. The nice chilly February wind blew in my face, people were walking down the sidewalks, restaurants were full, and families and friends were having what seemed like a nice time at the beach.

I was about to push myself to go faster when I hear what I'd been dreading.

"Is that her?" Some girl asked as I left her little group behind.
"SHE KISSED CAMERON!" Someone else hissed loudly, as Kari and I passed by Starbucks.


I kept going, until we came to a traffic light.
We got off our skateboards and waited.
I looked to my right and saw an In N Out.

"Kari, I think some girls saw me." I said low.
"What do you mean?" She asked looking around.
"I-" But I was cut off by what looked like a 10 year old girl and her older sister, who looked 15.
The small one had big green eyes and dark skin same as her sister. The only difference was their hair, the oldest had her hair dyed pink and the younger one had her natural black hair.

"You- kissed Cameron?" The ten year old asked.
"Natasha!" Her older sister said.
They had a French accent.
"She was in that video! The one you watched!" She whined.

"Can I take a picture with you?" Her older sister asked.
"I'm not really famous... I- I don't even know Cameron that well." I said embarrassed.
I could feel a few eyes were on us already.

"Pleeeease!" The girl pleaded.
I looked around and agreed. I posed with them and then waited a few more seconds for the light to turn green.

Kari and I made our way to In N Out and decided we would order fries and two cokes.
Our mom would make a big deal out of us eating somewhere else and not letting her know because she'd already cooked for all of us. Y'all know Mexican moms.

We were in line and next it was us. The cashier, a blonde teenager took our order and before we went to find a table she asked me something.

"Wait. You're Cristina right? You're the girl on Hollywood Reporter?" She asked her eyes wide. Our receipt in her hand.
I felt myself blush and nodded. "Yeah." I said clearing my throat.
"Omg! So you kissed him? You know I heard he was dating someone." She said crossing her arms.

"Well I think you heard wrong. Thanks." Kari said taking the receipt from her hand.
She grabbed me and pulled me to a table.
"What's her problem?" She asked as we made our way to the tables outside.
"I don't know." I said sitting down and putting my face in my hands.

Grayson's P.O.V.

"ETHAN!" I yelled from my room.
I heard quick footsteps and knew he was coming.
I had my phone in hand, Snapchat open and recording.

"Wha-" but he never finished because he slipped on the oil on the floor.
I laughed and doubled over as I did.
"The fuck Gray!" He said in pain and laughing.
"He fell for it he actually fell for it!" I said and stopped recording.

I'd been pranking Ethan for the last two days since I couldn't do much with a broken wrist.

"Bro..." Ethan whined rubbing the back of his head with both hands and then his back.
I posted the video to my story and locked my phone.
"Okay now for the real announcement!" I said happy.
He snorted and rolled his eyes. "Wow you planned a freaking entrance for me and everything."

"Yeah because I've got awesome news E!" I said.
"Chris called, we go on tour in a week!"
"WHA-NO WAY!" He said standing up and them slipping again.
I laughed so hard tears were in my eyes. After calming down I wiped them and helped him with my good hand so he could stand up.

"But didn't you say he said three weeks?" He asked.
"No, that was something else, but man! We start with our show here in L.A. and next stop, LAS VEGAS!" I yelled as we hugged each other.

"Wait. What about Tina?" He asked.
Crap. I'd told Ethan I wanted to tell her about our life as YouTubers after tour. It would be hard to hide it, maybe even impossible but it was worth a shot.

"We'll tell her after. I promise." I said to my twin brother.
He sighed and agreed. "So, when do we let the Fan Nation know?" He made a weird face when he finished his sentence.
"Yeah, don't say that... ever." I said.

Lexie's P.O.V.

"Gouda stop it! Damn it!" I said as he knocked a cup from the counter for what seemed like the fifth time.
I stood from the couch and was about to pick it up when my phone rang.

I put the cup back on the counter and answered the call.
"Katie hey!" I said throwing myself back on the couch. The Lord of the Rings playing on my T.V.
"HAVE YOU CHECKED?!" She screamed.
"Woman calm down what is it?" I asked scared.
"THTWNSNNOUNCEDTOR!" She said her mouth really close to the phone.

"Katie-" but she kept talking and yelling and making weird noises. "Katie- KATIE!" I yelled.
"Calm down!" I told her.
I heard her take a deep breath and then, "THE TWINS ANNOUNCED THEIR TOUR DATES!"

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