Lexie & Katie

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The car Gray was in drove away. I was still embarrassed, of course he'd seen me wearing the beanie, how stupid.
I started walking down the street, then my phone started ringing.
"Hey! You coming?" Katie asked.
"Yup I'm like three blocks away." I replied.
"Okay, we're ordering pizza, we got your favorite." She said teasing. Well it worked, I walked a little faster.
"Ooh perfect!" I replied.

Lexie's house was big, her parents were successful lawyers, hence the big property. It was a victorian sort of style, two floors, big porch, big backyard, nice view and about seven rooms. I walked up the steps and knocked on the door. A minute later Charity, their maid, opened the door smiling as she did.
"Ms. Lane, Lexie is waiting for you." She said in a British accent.
"Thanks, by the way, it's Cristina." I said winking.
She gave a small laugh and stepped aside to let me in. As soon as the door closed I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
"Finally! Come on, pizza's here." Lexie said, she wore black joggers, and a white shirt. Her dark red hair was in a ponytail and, for the first time, her freckles were visible.
I jogged up the stairs and walked to her room.
"Katie!" I exclaimed excited.
"Tina!" She said.
"Group hug!" Lexie said. She was like our mama bear. She was 20, then it was me, 18 and then Katie, the youngest, 17.
The three of us hugged and started to catch up in each other's lives. Katie had a new crush from school, also, she had won a writing contest and the prize was a trip to New York, plus 2 tickets, I could tell she was excited.
"There's one more thing." She said making an excited face. "I'm moving, to El Sol Street!"
"Wait, the one two blocks away from LAHS?" I asked.
"I live in that street!" I said happy.
"No way! Really?" Katie asked, her face lighting up.
I was so happy Katie would be living close to me and Lexie. She used to live about 45 minutes away from my house, now she would be living 30 seconds away.
I told the girls about the drive here and the whole unpacking process, but I left the twins out of it, I didn't feel like talking about boys.
"So, Lexie, how's it going with your boyfriend?" Katie asked reaching for a slice of pineapple pizza. As soon as I saw it, I reached for two slices.
"Ugh, broke up with him." She said disgusted, grabbing a slice. "He was such a crybaby, and he said he was jealous of my support for the twins."
"The twins?" I asked, my mouth full of pizza.
"Yeah, the Dolan Twins," Katie replied, "gosh that is so stupid!"
"Yeah I mean, I think he exaggerated with the whole DT situation, I mean, he thought I worshipped them, which is 50% not true." Lexie replied calmly.
"So you're okay?" I asked.
"Yeah. I mean, putting the twins aside, how are you doing?" Katie asked, her face worried.
"I'm fine I guess. It wasn't gonna work anyway, he was leaving for Spain in a few weeks. Some college exchange." She said, her face unreadable.
Suddenly, Lexie and Katie's phone beeped like when you get a Twitter notification. I stared at them as they each checked it.
"NO-" Katie started.
"FUCKING-" Lexie continued.
"WAY!" They both screamed.
"What? What is it?" I asked panicked.
"THE TWINS ARE CONSIDERING GOING ON TOUR AGAIN!" Lexie screamed as she stood up to do her happy dance.
"This is INSANE!" Katie said cheerfully.
I laughed as I saw my two best friends happy dancing.
"Tina you have to come with us!" Lexie said, a smile plastered on her face.
"Guys-" I started but was immediately interrupted by Katie.
"We're not taking no for an answer."
"Coooome on Tina!" They both begged.
"We don't even know they're doing it for sure." I pointed out.
Just then they both got notifications again and this time I was sure they were both about to pass out. Right there I heard a scream coming out from both of their mouths and this time I did freak out.
"GUYS WHAT?" I screamed.

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