The picture

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"Guys I'm so sorry I totally forgot I had this thing with a friend." I said grabbing my bag. "Can you lend me your keys to grab my stuff?" I asked Lexie.
"I could give you a ride home?" She offered.

"Are you sure? Don't you wanna hang out here?" I asked her and Katie.
"Nah, we wanna get home so we can upload these pictures!" Katie said excited. "I need to charge my phone."
"Yeah, plus I wanna shower." Lexie said.

So we all made our way to the parking lot. My friends got in the car and as I was about to get in I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Cristina?" A strangely familiar voice said.
Ugh no, I thought.

I turned around to see Chloe in gym clothes, and Ray Ban sunglasses just like her friend besides her, Adriana. They had the fakest smiles on their faces.

"Hi guys." I said as nice as I could.
"What are you doing here?" Chloe asked.
"Not getting coffee, that's for sure." I replied sarcastically showing her my drink.

Chloe chuckled and scrunched her nose.
"So, no Cameron today?" Adriana asked.
"Huh? No I-" But I got cut off.
"Speaking of Cameron, do you wanna see something someone sent me this morning?" She asked pulling out her phone. She unlocked it and looked for something for a few seconds.

The door to Lexie's car opened and Katie's head popped out.
"Hey. You ready?" She asked.
"Yeah." I said. "I'm sorry I have to go." I turned and opened the door to the backseat.
"It's impressive how much this girl kissing Cameron looks like you." Chloe said.

At that I turned, closing the door. "What?"
"Yes. See? This picture is all over Twitter, and Hollywood Reporter on YouTube is not falling behind on sharing the news." Adriana said.
"You're such a whore. You just met him and you're kissing him already." Chloe said.

I put my drink on top of the car and was about to hit her when I felt Katie grabbing me.
"What is wrong with you?!" I asked furiously.
"Imagine all the hate you'll get!" Chloe said.
"Yeah. Cameron's fanbase is pretty big and they're very protective of him. If you know what I mean." Adriana said.

"Cristina! Stop!" Lexie said getting out of the car.
"You should listen to your friends." Adriana said crossing her arms and smiling.
Lexie took my coffee and poured it on both of their heads. She stepped back and stared.

"Hmm. I thought you'd look better with something covering your faces, but you're both helpless. Get out of here." She said as they stepped back.
"What's wrong with you bitch?!" Adriana asked.
"My sunglasses!" Chloe yelled mad.

"This only just started this morning! Imagine how much hate you'll get! And when people recognize you on the streets-" But Chloe never got to finish. Katie had already thrown her American capuchino at them.
"OH MY GOSH!" Adriana screamed.
"She told you to get out of here!" Katie said mad.

They both left for the coffee shop and straight into the restrooms it seemed.
I took fast breaths and felt dizzy. I grabbed my head and leaned against the car.
"Who were they? What were they talking about?" Lexie asked.
"Yes, and who is Cameron?" Katie asked.

I had to tell them. So I did. I explained everything that happened at the party leaving the twins out. Because that would only bring up more questions. Their faces at the end were... shocking.

It took them what seemed like forever to talk.
"Okay." Katie said. "Cameron- Cameron Dallas hm?" She asked.
Lexie sighed. "Okay we can deal with this. We're cool. Hey it'll be okay." She said hugging me.
"It's okay to freak out." I said hugging her back and then letting go.
"Thank God! So you kissed him?" Katie said relieved.

"Or did he kiss you? Wait, why did he kiss you?" Lexie asked frowning.
"Was he good?" Katie asked.
"Katie!" I whined.
"Sorry we need details!" She said expectantly.
"I will give them to you some other time." I sighed. "I just need to get home."

"Okay, okay, we take you home." Lexie said walking to the other side of the car and getting in.
"It'll Be Okay." Katie said smiling. She rode shotgun and I got in the backseat.

Grayson's P.O.V.

"It's bad." I said to Ethan over the phone.
"How bad?" He asked full of worry.
"Hollywood Reporter just uploaded a video, 16 minutes ago and it's got a million views." I said looking at the computer.
"I just texted Cameron but he hasn't answered." Ethan said sighing.

"Have you seen the comments?" He asked.
"That's the worst part. There are thousands of them, and more than half are hateful comments." I said scrolling down.

Who does she think she is?, one said.
A whore!, another read.
Bitch! Wasn't he dating someone?! So inappropriate!, one of them said.
I felt so bad for Tina. Had she seen this already? Did she know?

"I'm at her house right now. I'm waiting for her." Ethan said.
"I saw her at Starbucks like 20 minutes ago." I replied running my hand through my hair.
"Do you think she's seen it?" He asked worried.
"I don't know but Twitter is blowing up. Some of our fans are talking about it already."

"I'm glad they're supportive." Ethan said a little relaxed.
"Yeah me too. But who knows what side of the story some of them have." I answered. "The hashtag 'WhoKissedCameron' is trending number two on Twitter and Instagram."

Ethan sighed. I could tell he was probably getting real anxious. "I'll shower and meet you in a few minutes." I told him.
"Yeah. Can you get me my beanie?" He asked sniffing.
"Yeah I'll get it for you." I replied.
"Alright. Peace." He said, both of us hanging up.

I scrolled up in the computer to see the video one more time. Was the image very visible? I looked at it. Yes, I thought. It had been taken with a professional camera. And I'm sure it wasn't the only picture out there. I played it to actually pay attention to what it said.

"Hi! It's Kassie Morgan from Hollywood Reporter bringing you the hottest news on celebrities! An image has surfaced on the internet of a mysterious girl kissing model and YouTube celebrity Cameron Dallas! So get comfy and get snacks, because we're about to talk about 'Who Kissed Cameron?'"

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