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"Cristina! There's one box left on the truck please get it inside!"

I was FaceTiming my friends and my mom just couldn't let me brag to Lexie and Katie that I had finally moved to L.A. I was finally going to be with my friends. I put my dark hair in a ponytail and sighed.

"Soooo? Which room are you getting?" Katie asked while getting her nails done.
"Yeah, and when can we come over?" Lexie asked as she pushed her cat away from her face.

"No idea. Probably on Tuesday?" I said to my phone.
"No! You know Tuesdays are no good for us!" They both said.
"Ah right you have your weird marathon huh?" I joked.

"This is serious Tina! We've told you a million times that you should come over!" Lexie said.
"Guys, you spend hours watching those guys!" I replied, while taking the stairs to the first floor.
"If you could just see them you would understand!" Katie whined.

"Nope I'm good! I gotta go, talk later!"
And after a few "byes" the FT call was over. I took my earphones out and wrapped them around my phone, putting them in my back pocket. 

I walked out of the house and breathed in the L.A. air. I loved this city so much, the people, the streets, how it looked at night... Everything. A man with a gray beard gave me the box and left in his truck. Walking back in the house I could hear my sister running around trying to find the box with all of her cardigans she'd just bought at American Eagle.

"I can't find it mom!" She yelled angry.
"Well then wear something else Karina!" Mom fired back.
My sister Kari and I looked very alike, but were very different, sometimes dumb people would ask if we were twins. She had greenish brown eyes, straight black hair and olive skin like mine, while I had, brown eyes with a darker outline and wavy dark brown hair.

I closed the front door, walked out of the vestibule, then past the living room and smiled. I loved my new house. It was big, 4 rooms each with its own bathroom, a big living room, a huge kitchen and two dining rooms, one for special occasions and one for everyday dinners. The backyard was also huge and it gave way to a creek. The house had a rustic style and that's what made me love it even more.

"Are you just gonna stand there?" Kari asked, arms crossed.
"I am actually." I replied smirking.
"Ugh whatever, help me find my box- What?" She asked acting offended at my eye rolling.
"I have enough to do around, plus why do you want that box?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"One of my cardigans has money in its stupid pockets!" She said exasperated.
"If I help I get $20?" I asked.
"Fine." She agreed.

"You two better start helping unpack the kitchen stuff, then you can look for that other box!" Dad said from the living room.

Kari and I rolled our eyes and made way to the kitchen, me with a box on my hands, which was getting heavier. I put it on the kitchen island and opened it. My sister's cardigans were in the box. I grinned and looked for the last one I had seen her wearing, a baby pink one. I searched the pockets and boom, a fifty and six twenties.
"Hm, I deserve $40." I said putting the money in my front pocket.

A little while after unpacking the majority of the kitchen boxes, there was a knock on the door. I looked over at the clock 3:47 P.M.
We had been doing this for two hours now and I was so exhausted, so I decided to get the door.
"I'll get it!"
"You're only getting it as an excuse!" My dad joked.
"Am not!" I laughed.

I opened the door of the vestibule and then the front door. I was surprised to see two guys, completely identical standing in front of me.
"Hey, I'm Ethan, and this is my twin brother, Grayson. Welcome to L.A.!" One of them said, as the other waved.

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