Who Kissed Cameron

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Ethan's P.O.V.

"Hey neighbors!" Tina said waving and laughing.
"I didn't know that was your room." I said grabbing more chips.
"Well I just found out you lived next to me so..." she said shrugging.
"True. You didn't know!" Which was so weird considering we'd been hanging out for weeks now.
"You never told me!" She said.
"You never asked." I replied raising my eyebrows.
"Dude that's what I said." Grayson said laughing.
"Okay well, I have a date, gotta go!" She said waving.
"Wait a date?" I asked.
"With who?" Grayson asked at the same time.
Tina smiled. "With Netflix duh."


"Are we going to invite her?" I asked Grayson.
We'd changed into joggers and were shirtless, the fucking chilly wind freezing my nipples. We were in the backyard throwing a football.
"Where?" He asked, catching the ball.
"Our tour." I said crossing my arms.
He kept the ball in his hands. And looked thoughtful. "Maybe we should tell her after the tour?"

I sighed. "I hate having to hide this from her."
"Me too." He said. His eyes then lit up and he laughed softly. "By the way, I completely forgot, this girl, a fan, told me to tell you she loved you." He said throwing the ball back at me.
What he said took me by surprise and I almost didn't catch it

"Oh. Who? When?" I asked him, feeling my face get hot.
"HAH! Dude you're blushing!" He said laughing.
"Am not!" I said throwing the ball and patting my face. Truth is I was so awkward around girls, but more when they said they liked me, or loved me.

It made me feel more awkward when Grayson gave me the news because he knew how I got.
"She was a fan. I met two of them the other day when I went to Starbucks." He said walking towards the ball and picking it up. "Tina was there. I was so lucky she didn't see what was going on."

"Grayson we can't just wait until tour. We've been lucky we don't have fan encounters when the three of us are out." I said. "One of these days she'll find out, and she's starting college what makes you think girls won't mention us?"

"Cocky." He called me. "I just... I like things the way they are now. She treats us like not famous guys."
"We're never gonna know if we don't tell her. I mean, we haven't kept any secrets from her except for this and it's killing me!"

I didn't like keeping secrets from her. I knew we'd been hanging out for barely a month now but she was so nice and open to what Grayson and I had to say. She was honest. And we weren't.

Cristina's P.O.V.

I decided to go with White Chicks. It was funny and made me feel better. Being with Ethan and Grayson was fun, but it was like anesthesia. The few hours I got with them I was fine, but then, I got back on my phone or at home and remembered everything that was happening.

I was about to get another scoop of ice cream when I got a text from Lexie. Then Katie. And then the twins.

Then I heard a knock downstairs. I left my phone on my bed, grabbed a hoodie and went to check who was outside.

I opened the door to the vestibule then the front door and the chilly wind took me by surprise. It wasn't this cold about an hour ago. Ethan and Grayson stood in front of me, worried looks on their faces.

"What's wrong?" I asked worried.
"Can we come in?" Ethan asked. Their hair was tousled, and they wore joggers and a random shirt each. Apparently they had a hurry to get here because Grayson wasn't wearing shoes.

"Yeah." I said stepping aside.
They both came in and crossed their arms.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Uh- We-" Grayson got cut off by Ethan.
"Hollywood Reporter uploaded a video a few hours ago." He said.

"So...?" I asked raising my eyebrows.
"It's about you. They put pictures of you in the video, apparently someone who knows you kissed Cameron, ran into you at... Target?" Grayson said seriously.

"What? Have you seen it?" I asked.
"No, but Twitter is blowing up... Again. They know your name. And the pictures show you and I'm guessing a friend of yours." Ethan said frowning.
"Oh God... That's why Lexie and Katie texted me..." I said running upstairs to get my phone.

The twins followed but didn't come in, instead they stood by the doorframe.
I unlocked my phone.

Missed calls:
Katie (4)
Lexie (5)
Alexa (3)

Katie: Tina! Please answer!
Katie: It's urgent! 😫

Lexie: Cristina! Answer the damn phone woman!!
Lexie: Have you seen the video??!

Alexa: Cris, you kissed Cameron??

(Show 7 more messages)

Alexa was a friend from back home in Mexico. And was a big fan of youtubers, especially Cameron Dallas and Jeffree Star. 7 more messages?!

I covered my mouth as I breathed faster. I sat down and put my face in my hands.
"Hey." Ethan said coming in and sitting on the bed with me.
"Tina, it'll be okay. We can- we can tell them to take it down." Grayson said sitting on the other side putting his arm around me.

"How are we going to do that Grayson? They have millions of subscribers and probably thousands of views already!" I said my voice muffled by my hands.
"We're three against a whole-channel or whatever!" I said desperately. I needed to get out of there, I needed to go to the beach.

"I need to watch the video." I said lifting my head and grabbing my phone from my lap. Grayson put his hand over mine and watched me.

"Do you really?" He asked me silently.

"Yes." I said after a long pause.

He sighed and let go. I unlocked it and opened YouTube. It appeared in Trending.


I played it and saw when it had been uploaded. About 4 hours ago. The twins and I had been hanging out at that time.

"Hello! Kassie Morgan here with news of your favorite celebrities! And just when we thought maybe this was all dying down, pictures, and the name, of the mysterious girl, kissing Cameron Dallas have surfaced. We talked to a reliable source who explains what happened." She said.

The screen switched to a blurry L.A. background and text over it. "The source tells us, 'she and Cameron arrived at the party holding hands. We walked over to where she was and asked her if they were together but she denied it.'"

"'Then we walk out of the party and see that happening it's like... you don't kiss someone you're not dating. You're a complete wh*** if you do!' Well folks, there you have it. But the question remains the same. Are they dating? Check out these pictures of our mysterious girl, or should we just start calling her by her name? Cristina." She says, the screen changing to pictures of me... and Katie!

"Hey... I know that girl." Grayson said looking at the screen.

"Yes, Grayson it's me." I said, my eyes on the screen.

"What? No, I meant- Never mind."He murmured and continued watching the video.

What he meant? I had no idea.

"The source tells us she had the chance of running into her at a local store. And she was not alone, as we can see in the pictures, she was shopping with a friend." Kassie continues in the video. "Well, now we know... Who Kissed Cameron. I'm Kassie Morgan! Tell us what you think about all of this drama down in the comment section! And we'll see you next time, on Hollywood Reporter!"

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