Chapter 16: Garnet

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• -Ollie- •

We lay in silence on the grass of her backyard, my arm curled beneath her body and circles around to lay across her stomach. I can smell the sweet strawberry scent of her shampoo and I felt like I was in heaven breathing it in. I wasn't sure if she had fallen asleep or not for her breathing has evened out awhile ago and her body felt heavier, but I honestly did not mind.

My eye lids slowly felt heavier over time and my head softly rolled towards her, feeling the grass dampen my hair by just the slightest bit. I feel my limbs start to go heavier and I start to slowly descend into a deep slumber but the sound of the door of the house opening had my eyes flash open and my body shuffle a bit, I did not want her mother seeing us like this and think something.

Opal softly groaned and opened her eyes, as I sat up. "What's wrong?" she croakily asks.

"Oh, Ollie, hi," a voice by the glass slide door says, making our heads swivel towards her mother at the same time.

She stood by the glass door, her back a bit hunched making her look smaller than she actually was and her hair in a tight bun, she didn't look shock to find us out on her backyard cuddling, in fact she was fighting a smile from her face.

"Oh, sorry, I'll j-just be inside," she walked away with a knowing smile on her face.


"Come to... school with... Ollie." There is only so many times in your life where you wish someone would do something. Not for you, in fact it has nothing to do with you. She had to come back to school at some point and I don't want her to be alone when she does.

A yellow flower clutched tightly in my grip, slightly pointing out towards her, brings a flush of pink on the apples of her cheeks. She seems to be battling whether to take it or not.

Opal stands there not knowing what to say, I feel her start to recoil from me and try to come up with something to say to get herself out of this conversation that would force her to come back to the one place where everything went wrong.

"Please... Opal must come back to school soon... Ollie will be there too... for Opal." I smile while softly giving her the small daisy, which I stole from the large house right next to mine. In all fairness they had enough flowers in both their front and backyard to cover the moon with it so they won't notice one missing daisy.

"I'm not dressed," she mumbles, while clutching the flower tighter towards her chest, a hidden smile being half bitten on her plush bottom lip.

"Ollie?" her mother asks. "Oh sweetheart come on in. Opal make space let him come in." Her mother waves her to the side and motions for me to follow her. "Opal, go get dressed, you're going to be late."

I watch Opal stare in disbelief at her mother and I as we make our way towards the kitchen. She sighs before making her way through a dark hallway, the flower still clutched in her hand. As we enter the kitchen I see their table set up perfectly with a vase in the center and one orchid sat in the center of it that looked well and healthy, a flower that's been loved and taken care of, and was watching over them too.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" her mother asks me.

"Yes... my... mom gave... me cereal." I say, feeling like scratch my voice physically off my body by how nerves I was. I was never the talker and right now being autistic is not helping me. 

"Okay, honey. You can watch tv in the living room, then, until Opal is done." She smiles, something as soft as petals and as bright as light. "I just have to clean up then I can drive you both to school."

"Ollie can help."

I am so sorry for the long wait for this chapter. I had my finals just last week and I would have updated this weekend but I just felt exhausted because I never sleep and I took advantage of the free time. I still have school for two more weeks then I have my holidays and I can update as much as I physically can. When are your finals and holidays going to happen? Also, random question, do you say semester or term? 

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