Chapter 11: Celestite

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• -Opal- •

He let me use his shower when we first entered which I was glad for because, despite the fact that my house was down the road, it felt nice to know when I exited I wouldn't be alone as per usual. I liked taking a shower then going to my room but it felt so suffocating sometimes seeing those pale blue walls surrounding me.

I was sat in Ollie's navy blue room by his round window watching the rain pour hard. The clouds were a gloomy grey since the morning and only now do they rid themselves of their tears, much like how my life was going up to now.

I watched a kid in a red raincoat pass down the road, jumping on each puddle he walked by, as his mother trailed behind him on the phone. And now, I stare at each drop slide down the window and disappear below what was visible through the clear glass.

"How's Opal doing now?" His soft voice sounds from behind me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I turn around to find him stood by his door, wearing a big blue jumper, his face portraying his concern and his hands holding two steaming mugs of something. My shoulders rise and fall in a shrug. I didn't feel like lying to him. It felt good letting someone know that I wasn't okay, not at all. I knew tomorrow I'd regret it all and not stopping beating myself up for opening up to someone too much but for now I let myself do just that.

A sorrowful smile adorned his lips as he made his way over to me and sat in front of me by the window. He looked so attractive with how the light hit his face right then, but I knew he was completely oblivious of his good looks.

I knew if he were to chase a girl no matter who she was she would be bond to fall for him and his kind heart. He was too adorable and sweet for someone to turn him down. He just melts people's heart.

"Opal looks pretty." He giggled making me immediately flush, my cheeks becoming warm and scarlet. The smile on my face seemed to be the only genuine smile I've given off since forever.

"Shut up. I do not," I whine, making him laugh.

"Yes, Opal does." He smiled at my flustered self before noticing the hot mugs he came in with. "Ollie made some hot chocolate."

"Oh, thank you," I say, gently taking the warm yellow mug from his outstretched hand.

He smiled, taking a small cautious sip from his scalding mug while I blew on the top of it to make it just the faintest bit cold before I took a sip of the delicious drink. I hummed as I kept drinking.

I saw him smile when he noticed I was enjoying the treat he prepared. The tempo of my heartbeat seemed to quicken as I saw him looking at me with a sweet, adoring smile set on his lips. I didn't know if he was this caring to everyone but even if he was I still felt really special with the way he was looking at me. His whole attention was directed at me even though I was just sipping my drink and not speaking, it was incredibly refreshing having someone completely here with me, everyone else seemed to be more interested in anything else, which is part of the reason I sit alone most of the time.

"Ollie, can I just say thank you. You've been so kind when you didn't have to. You could've just taken me home and went on with your day, but you didn't and I'm just really grateful. I sometimes just can't, Ollie. My mind goes a thousand miles a minute, it just doesn't stop, but being here with you makes it feel calm." I could feel my heart beating and my chest rise and fall with each of my breaths from the slight anxiousness I felt of telling him too much.

I saw him smile genuinely to himself before taking a deep breath in. He moved his body closer to mine. A kiss laying itself tenderly on the skin of my forehead, making me ferociously blush.

"Before, a-at the beginning of secondary school, Jack used to say mean things to Ollie. Very mean things, just because Ollie was autistic, and everyone laughed at him. Everyone was so mean to Ollie, b-but Opal saw once in the hallway. S-she told everyone to f-fuck off." He blushes madly saying the word making me smile as I continued to listen deeply to the story. "She said there was nothing wrong about it, then told everyone in the hallway to stop the t-teasing because they were stupid and people listened. I-if Opal never said anything everyone would still be mean to Ollie."

His eyes seemed to moisten as he placed his hot mug, on the ground, by his feet. He then went back up and gave me a hug. At first I was surprised at the suddenness, but then I melted into him and hugged him back just as warmly.

I do remember that moment. Jack was just being an idiot and made everyone in the hallway watch as he degraded Ollie. Ollie was stood in tears in front everyone. It was heartbreaking to see him, an innocent guy be humiliated like that.

"Ollie, those people were just stupid," I mumbled in his neck.

"They were." He giggled, before mumbling. "But they did say some real things."

"No, they didn't. They said rubbish because they didn't understand, they didn't care if it was real or not or if it was kind or not, all they cared about is to fit in. It's just stupid and that does not make it right."

"Thank you," he whispered, his arms tightening around my body.

"For what? I didn't do anything."

"Just because. Ollie knows Opal will always be there for him. So he will always be there for Opal." I could feel him smiling in my neck, making my heart melt more than it already had.

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