Chapter 20: Crystals

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• -Ollie- •

Raindrops were crashing down on the roof of the house while I laid in bed thinking about Opal and her odd behavior last night. I have never seen someone shake and sob so heartbreakingly before, it was like everything she's kept in just exploded out of her like shaken up soda. People don't ever show that part of them and I know Opal didn't mean to either, but it really put things in perspective.

I just wanted to go over to her house and check up on her but she told me when she needed me she'd call. So I decided on waiting it out until she is ready. I don't want to be too much for her. That's the last thing she'd want right now.

Fay is coming today though. I'll ask her for advice on how to help Opal and ask her about her date, which hopefully went well. I just can't get Opal out of my head. The thought of her going home right after crying hurts my heart. I just want her to come back and tell me everything. She started to explain, but she never finished what she was saying, she just seemed determined on going back home.

It broke my heart seeing someone so strong and sweet cry so hard. I just want to hold her until she feels better.

A knock on my door ends my train of thought. "Come in," I call out softly.

The door opens and the stripe of red catches my eye. Fay walks in and I sit up from my position on the bed. She had a wide smile on her lips and a look in her eyes of childish giddiness that you'd have if you were young and in love.

"Fay seems happy." I smile.

"That's because I am," Fay states.

"This because of Rosalyn?"

"Duh. She's just perfect, Ollie. Perfect. Not in the annoying way, but in the sorta way that just makes me want to make her mine. She's so sweet and pretty. And ugh," she says, as she falls onto the bed on her back.

"Where did Fay... and Rosalyn go for... date?" I ask, only the slightest bit still in thought of what Opal could be feeling.

"That fancy place by Orchid's Road, but it doesn't matter because she ordered that slimy pizza that literally anyone fancy hates. That proves it Ollie. We're meant to be," Fay says dreamily making me giggle.

"Fay in love."

"Oh, shut up!" She throws the pillow by her towards me making me duck.

Fay is a good distraction. For once in the whole day I've started to focus on something other than Opal, but still the slightest bit of me is thinking of her. I just had to make sure she was alright or I'd lose my mind.

"Opal sad," I can't help but find myself say.

"When is she not sad?" Fay mumbles while rolling her eyes.

"Huh?" I frown not getting what she means.

"Ollie that girl does nothing but mope all damn day. I'm starting to not get why you're so obsessed with her."

"She was... so nice on Fay date... Why Fay not like her?"

"She just keeps begging for attention. Like literally what could she be sad for. I don't hate her, but she's just exhausting."

"Ollie don't get it."

"Like see, this is what I mean. We're supposed to be talking about my date, but here you are focused on Opal and not me, your friend from literal years. I get you have feelings for her, but geez give me a break."

"Why Fay so... mean?" I can't help the frown of annoyance on my face.

"I'm the one who's mean? You're the one who forgot he has a best friend and literally have been ignoring me because of a girl you've had a dumb crush on for years. She's pathetic, Ollie. She's practically just begging for you to waste your time on her. All our conversations have literally always became conversations about her and you haven't even realize. You don't even care about me and what's happening in my life-" Fay fumes.

"O-Ollie does," my voice cracks like a bit of glass, but Fay is still ragging and doesn't even notice she's hurting me.

"I'm just done with trying, Ollie. Now, I'm going to go and meet Rosalyn at the park, which I was going to invite you to join, but obviously you couldn't care less." Fay gets up off the bed, already starting to text Rosalyn on her phone.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'm so sorry you had to wait this long. School has been stressing me out a lot. My end of year tests are coming up and I don't want to fail so my post will be slow for some time but once summer starts for me I'll post as much as I can, the same way I used to before with my previous books.

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