Chapter 30: Ollie

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• -Ollie- •

Pulling on the white sweater, I fix my hair by just pushing it back because if anything I've learned is that brushing curly hair is never an option.

I make my way to leave my room, knowing Mom must be waiting for me. Quickly, I grab my bag from where it laid next to the door and enter the hallway.

I find my way to the front door, where Mom is already stood. "Come on," she says motioning for me to walk out the door with her.

We walk out into the bright sun feeling the slight breeze moderate what was supposed to be hot weather by the sun. Mom leads the way to the car and I get in behind her, into the passenger's side as Mom goes to the driver's.

We sit in silence for a bit as Mom starts the car and backs out the driveway of our house. The car gliding into the road, and soon we're driving towards the school.

"So, how're things with Opal? Your father said she came over yesterday," she says nonchalantly, whilst I start to slightly turn red.

"It's good. Opal is good," I say mindlessly, my thoughts consumed of the way Opal kissed me last night.

"Okay," Mom says, I can't help but notice the smile on her lips. "I did notice you've changed since you've been with her. You're so much happier now."

"Mom, please," I whine, feeling so flustered and embarrassed.

This time Mom can't hold her laugh and chuckles out loud, only making me more embarrassed. She leans over kissing my temple when the light turns red and we spend the rest of the time in silence, both in thought.

We arrive soon at the gates of the school. The rush of students hurting inside and chattering away makes me feel uneasy, but I know I'll seeing Opal soon so I try to not get too overwhelmed. I've always had trouble with large crowds and still this is not an exception.

I say goodbye to Mom and grab my backpack from the floor of the car and exit. Quickly, I shuffle into the school gates, trying to ignore the large crowd of students and the staff of the school.

Soon I find myself walking up to my locker, the sounds of something happening nearby has me feeling some kind of way. I quickly put my bag away, then make my way towards the noise, already knowing more than half the school is there by the loud sounds coming.

Nearing the scene, I see a huge crowd of students, their colorful backpacks facing me. I hear voices in the middle of the crowd and without thinking I'm pushing towards the front, having a feeling of what's going on.

The obnoxious pushes of three students annoys me and the tight air only makes me push my way through faster. These people are only here for drama and to ridicule whoever is the center of this and that thought scares me.

"You know what? I'm done with you," I hear Opal's voice say, making me wiggle my way through the crowd faster.

Soon I'm at the front and I see Opal and Anika in the middle of all this. For the first time there is something in Opal's eyes that makes me so proud and warms my heart so much. She's finally sticking up for herself the way she did for me when I was still so young.

Anika laughs, throwing her head back looking like she can't believe this. "You're such a joke. Just look at you. Can't you see that no one here wants you? Just fucking die already."

A loud roar of laughter from the crowd sounds and I almost go out to stop this, but Opal's sweet yet strong voice stops me. The authority of her voice could kill.

"I don't care what you think. I'm done with caring about what you think of me. You will never lay a hand on me again or you'll see what'll happen," Opal threatens, her eyes hard on Anika.

"What will happen?" Anika asks, a smirk on her lips.

"Don't test me," Opal says.

Anika steps closer towards Opal, looking so amused by Opal suddenly standing up for herself. When they are standing so close to one another she asks, "or what?"

Opal just looks at her with her eyes still hard. Anika tries to throw a punch but Opal is a step ahead, grabbing onto her wrist just in time.

"You will never hurt me again," Opal says, before turning her head away and rushing out of the large crowd, leaving everyone surprised except me.

I've always known she's had it in her to fight back and stand up for herself, the same way she stood up for me when I was just a helpless autistic kid who couldn't even help himself. She's the strongest person I know.

• • • •

Laying on the grass, Opal tells me about how done she is with Anika. She isn't going to take anymore bullying from this school. I'm so proud of her and how she's changed so much for the better. Just being here with her right now I can feel it in the air and he way she talks that her sadness and grief is not there anymore. I'm in love with her.

Right now, the both of us are playing twenty-one questions for the heck of it. We've somehow managed to get on the dirty side of it which is out of both of our nature and she's just admitted to having done the deed before, not just that one time with Tyler when there was no consent to it.

From beside me on the grass of her backyard, Opal asks, "Okay, then what about you have you ever done it?"

I blush and hide my face in her shoulder, from how tight she's holding onto me and I her. "Never done it."

She laughs loudly at my shyness and the sound gives me butterflies. I'm simply in love with her.

"I love how shy you get about sex. It's honestly adorable," she replies, with eyes filled with life and love.

I giggle. "Okay, Ollie's turn... what's your favorite color?"

"Sky blue. What about you?"

"Purple like amethysts."

"You are a gem, Ollie," she says, her bright and breathtaking smile adorning her lips. "And I love you."

"So does Ollie."

The End.


I truly hope you enjoyed this. I'm also going to make an epilogue so look out for that.

I feel so sad that this book has come to an end. This book is one of the only things that's made me happy the last few months. I've talked a lot about depression and the sadness I feel, but honestly when I write about it or when I just come here and write this story I feel so much better. I'm so thankful for you all and I truly hope you'll join me on another story when I start my next one. I simply can't ever stop writing.

Please don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts and feelings.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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