Chapter 22: Apache Tears

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• -Ollie- •

All I wanted to do right this second was grab Tyler by the neck and throttle him and drag him to hell. I don't ever curse but I hope he fucking dies and I hope his body gets thrown out of this goddamn continent because if I ever see him again it would be way too soon.

Next to me Opal sat as quiet and emotionless as a statue whilst I was fuming and on the verge of squeezing her to death in a hug and telling her over and over again that she is not to blame. She needed to know that and I bet she had no clue.

"That happened like a little over a year a-" Opal stopped when I wrapped my arms around her.

She tensed up before completely melting in my arms, little sniffles being made making my heart ache. "This isn't Opal's fault," I whispered in her ear, only making her sob softly in my neck.

She pulled back for a moment to look me in the eyes. "How can you say that? He'd would still be here if I didn't say those things. I don't think I can ever even call him Dad again. He deserves a way better daughter."

"Opal, no. Opal father understands you didn't mean it. Opal was not in a good mind state. If Opal father knew what happened when you came into living room-"

"He would still be here," she said finishing my sentence, fully pulling away from me and not looking at me anymore.

"No, Opal... Opal father would have understood. He understands now. He does."

"I-I just don't know. It doesn't even matter, anyways." She mumbled her words, staring at the space between us. 

"Does Opal mother know?"

"No," she said, looking like she was in another place. "And I'm not going to tell her. At least not yet."

"That's fine. When Opal ready, but must be soon. She loves you. You know?"

"I know and that's why I can't even look her in the eyes if only she knew." Opal was looking at me softly now, as if she now realizes I understand what she's saying unlike I bet most people. "It's not even just Dad at this point. I've just become so alone and I've-"

She stopped talking as if what she was about to say could not be said in front of anyone. "What's wrong?" I suddenly ask, very worried.

"Nothing. I just have been so alone and I've used other methods to help me feel better, Which honestly would sound so stupid if you knew. Maybe because I am an idiot," she mumbled the last part as if scolding herself.

"No, Opal not stupid. And Ollie knows what happened." She suddenly looks me straight in the eye.

"I'm not talking about my father, Ollie."

"Ollie knows," I say before continuing in a hushed voice. "That day in the hospital, I saw. Your wrist was c-covered."

I felt an invisible hand wrap itself around my throat, making my throat ache in pain. The memory was so vivd of the fresh scars. It hurt me seeing her in so much pain. I already know that whatever I think she is feeling she is probably feeling twice the amount of that. 

"W-what?" The look in her eyes almost had me cowering behind something because of the way she look so betrayed. "Why didn't you tell me?"

I tried to say something but I honestly had no clue what to say. Maybe because I was scared or worried, but to be honest I had no idea. My mouth just pathetically opened and closed while my thoughts spiraled. 

"Ollie, can you please just leave." Her voice left no space for arguments. I bet anyone could have missed the shake of her voice, how afraid her eyes seemed in this very moment despite the undeniable anger she held in her voice.


"I want you to leave, Ollie. Please, I can't talk about this anymore. I'm so done."


"Just leave, for god's sake," she snapped, making me flinch at the suddenness. A look of remorse flashed in her eyes before disappearing. 

I knew this isn't Opal. She is just in so much pain.

"Please. Just go," she whispered, not even looking me in the eyes anymore.

I stood up awkwardly, the tightness in my throat becoming a lot more painful. All I want is to hold her but I need her to be okay and she said she needs to be alone right now. But the pain is still there and it still hurt so badly.

I take one last look at her, seeing her stare with teary unblinking eyes at the ground waiting for me to leave. Right this second she looked so void of emotion and I have no clue what thoughts are racing through her mind. I needed to know, but she said she needed to be alone.

So, I left, hoping and wishing she'd call me back right now and if she didn't at least to call me tomorrow and say she needed me with her because I need her with me so badly.


I hope all of you enjoyed that. I've had this in my works for so long because I didn't feel confident enough to post it during the finals. I really wanted it to be perfect and I bet it still is has errors. But I really hope you enjoyed. If anything I at least hope this made you feel something.

Oh, and I just wanted to mention that I've written something in "Little Tales" it's not a story it's just something very personal. That book is going to have a lot of personal things in it and it will be full of random things from poems to letters to short stories. Literally anything so if you want to read it or give me ideas I could do. It's just a fun place for me to see what I like and don't like and a place for me not to commit because I always promised myself that I will never leave a book unfinished on here so that's a place to make whatever I want and have fun without pressure.

I'd really appreciate it if you checked it out.

Also, don't forget to vote for this chapter. I worked really hard on it so please tell me your thoughts on it. 

Okay bye I'm gonna go shower and straighten my hair for my friend's birthday party.

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