Chapter 3: Moon Stone

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• -Opal- •

A sigh left my lips as the razor dragged, pulling against my skin, where my knee peaked out of the warm water, leaving two small cuts

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A sigh left my lips as the razor dragged, pulling against my skin, where my knee peaked out of the warm water, leaving two small cuts. The feeling of pain gave me relief in the sense of feeling something when I can't actually feel anything on a regular day. I can feel my chest rise and fall in the tight heat of the small bathroom. All my thoughts swirling in the condensed air around me like a tornado.

The eery silence would have been comfort to someone but to me it felt like a burden, something in need of being covered and coated in sound. Another drag of the razor, my head fell back, my bottom lip tucked behind my front teeth. Finally, I got what I wanted; a feeling. Pain.

A heavy sigh left my lips again, the razor falling off my hand in the loose grip and reached the bottom of the tub. I was panting from both the pain and the heat. I didn't know if the suffocation I felt in my chest was because of the hot air or the dread I felt of everyday life.

I stayed for a couple minutes longer before deciding I've had enough. I stood up, water cascading down my body and splattering back down to the tub. I took my time in unplugging the tub, watching as the water decreased and the small water tornado swirled closer and closer to the hole.

Wrapping a fluffy grey towel around my body, I used my palm to wipe away some of the condensation off the mirror. The girl staring back scared me with the features that looked so much like my dad's, anything of him just made my heart ache and runs a panic throughout my body.

Quickly, I changed into pajama pants and a white shirt, my thick wet hair dampening the back of my shirt. But I quickly placed a towel on my shoulders, preventing the water from soaking my shirt.

I turned around, quickly placing all the items I used back to their original spots and using a towel to wipe off any spilled shampoo or body wash, not wanting to make my mother stressed in any way. I turned around, unlocked the door, and stepped out.

I could hear my mother's familiar hum from where I stood in my small house. We live in a small one story house, but thankfully it felt just the right size for the both of us. I listened to the tune as I made my way to my room, just down the hall. I felt a sense of comfort when I'm finally entered the cocoon I call a room.

Shutting the door, I fall back-first on my bed, feeling it bounce slightly at my weight as I stare at the ceiling, my eyes taking in the small, little details on the ceiling, like a small black spot laying by the corner or the streaks of white paint or the small bumps that covered the ceiling.

But my relaxed state was short lived when I heard my mother's voice chime in, telling me that dinner is ready. A dragged sigh left me, I wasn't hungry but I knew my mother would never let me skip a meal, if only she knew I've skipped all my meals today, a small cereal bar and a banana in the morning being the only thing I've eaten and yet I still felt not hungry.

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