Chapter 31: The Antidote

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Red filled Deidara's vision as he immediately pounced on the puppeteer, throwing away the limp girl like a useless rag doll. The bomber sat atop the redhead's body. He grabbed the kunai from the ground and ripped Sasori's cloak open, stabbing the gleaming blade of the knife into the puppeteer's core before he could even wrap his mind over the fact that Yukari's lover had just discovered him.

"Fucking bastard!" he roared, repeatedly driving the kunai into the purple core. "You shitty asshole! Burn in hell! Fuck you! Fuck you to hell, dammit! FUCK YOU!"

By the time Deidara had even realized what he had done, Sasori was long gone, his wooden body now hollow with the core oozing the mauve liquid that reeked of a rancid poison.

His hair was matted to his face and neck with sweat, cerulean eyes wide with rage and fury. His chest was heaving with the heavy breaths he took, shoulders quivering with such loathing. Throwing the knife to the side, he took to smashing apart the varnished wood with his bare fists, ignoring the blood as the splinters cut into his knuckle; it was fine as long as he was able to shatter the body of the man who had betrayed him.

The only moment he had snapped out of his fit was the moment he heard Yukari's voice.

"Dei... kun," she choke, wheezing his name. "Dei... stop..."

"Yukari!" he gasped, crawling over to the weakened girl. "Yukari! Oh, Yukari..." Those eyes that had once been filled with only anger and lividness softened and were then filled with only sorrow.

"Dei..." The girl let out a raspy breath. "I'm... sorry..."

He cradled her head in his arms, tears brimming his eyes. "No, don't be! You couldn't do anything, yeah!"

"No... get... the... antidote..."

"What?" Moving the dark strands away from her face, he used his fingertips to gently wipe the tears and blood away from her cheeks. "Yukari, I - I'm sorry. I left you alone with him. I didn't know - "

"Shh," Yukari shushed, weakly reaching up a single finger to press against his lips. "Don't... I... love... you... Dei... kun."

Then her hand fell to his lap as her body went slack, her eyes rolling up into her head. At that moment, Deidara didn't know what he could do.

What he did, was snap.

He let out a roar of true lament and regret, screaming to the world as the girl he loved most lay dying in his arms. There were tears that had brimmed his eyes, threatening to leave at any possible second; in that state, he felt useless, alone, and... helpless. The one man he had used to look up to - the one man he had used to go to for everything - had all but betrayed him. Sasori had thrown away his trust like a dirty rag that needed only to be disposed of.

"Yukari!" he called, over and over again. "Yukari, stay with me!" He shot to his feet and scooped up the unconscious girl into his arms, sprinting out of the room as fast as his legs could carry him. He was frantic as he speeded down the corridors at a superhuman speed, desperate to save the girl in his arm.

Once Deidara had reached the recognizable doors of Pein's office, he bursted in. In that room was the person he'd been looking for - Konan. Pein, of course, was seated behind his usual desk - but with a bewildered look on hi pierced face.

"Konan-sama!" he screamed, running up to the intimidated bluette. "Please, please, you've got to help me! Please!"

"Deidara, calm down," Konan said in a hushed voice. "Now, what do you need?" Deidara held out his arms, giving the girl to the woman.

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