Chapter 12: Sealed

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Words continued to pelt her, wearing down her sanity. She couldn't take it anymore. She flung herself out of bed and stared at the clock, which read that it was already 2am and she still hadn't slept a wink. She crept over to the door and eased it open, groaning slightly and creaking when it opened. She winced at the sound and froze, watching Hidan and Kakuzu's snoring figures. Hidan rolled over and mumbled incoherently, but stayed in his deep slumber.

Yukari sighed in relief and slid into the hallway, shutting the door silently behind her.

'Deidara and Sasori are most likely staying in separate rooms now... but where?' she wondered as she continued down the hallway, the melted candles casting long shadows flickering around the hallway. She stiffened for a moment and closed her eyes, signing her hands into the tiger. She focused on the slumbering chakras around her, searching for a certain one.

She relaxed when she sensed one that stood out to her and she snapped her eyes open, sprinting lightly to a room at the very end of the hallway.





The words continued replaying over and over in her head but she refused to listen as tears crept into her eyes, threatening to fall. She didn't let them as her feet pattered lightly on the rock-like floor, getting closer and closer to her destination. When she finally reached it, she nearly flung the door open in desperation. She shut it quickly behind her and tip-toed to the bed with someone snoring quietly on it.

Her shoulders relaxed as she watched the blonde turn over and over constantly, squirming in his sleep. She leapt back in surprise when he sat up abruptly, crying "YUKARI!"

The brunette froze at the sound of her name. Deidara turned his head in the darkness and looked directly at where she was in the shadows.

"Who's there?!" he snarled, readying his palms in the pouch next to his pillow. She gasped and stepped into the faint light of the candle, holding out her hands.

"It's - it's me," she stuttered quietly. His eyes widened as he hastily rushed over to her and hugged her tightly.

"Are you okay, un?" he inquired immediately. She nodded into his shoulder and returned the embrace, the voice shutting off immediately.

'Strange,' she thought. But it relaxed her tense muscles, melting into Deidara's built frame.

He pulled her into bed and laid next to her, playing with some loose strands of her hair.

"Danna stole a kiss from you," he whispered, pouting slightly and not meeting her eyes. She smirked and grabbed his chin, making him look into her eyes.

"Why do you care?" she asked. His cheeks reddened in the small lightly.

"I - I don't, just - " he started, but she cut him off with a small kiss. As she pulled away, Deidara leaned forward as if he wanted more, and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Does that make up for it?" she giggled. His reaction was so cute! He stiffened and buried his face in the pillow to hide his blush, but Yukari caught it. She snickered.

'So. Freaking. Adorable!' she thought. He lifted his head again and faced her, a small pout playing across his lips.

"Can you please explain what's wrong, yeah?" he demanded.

Deidara's Love ~ The Soft Side of the Akatsuki (Deidara x OC)Where stories live. Discover now