Chapter 3: His Softness

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trigger warning: abuses, child abuse


After about fifteen minutes, Yukari wiped the sweat off of her forehead with him forearm, having finally finished cooking. She spun around holding the huge plate full of bakudan.

"Dinner is served!" she sang, placing the dish in the middle of the table. Everyone eyed the bakudan hungrily. It was as if it were their first time eating.

Suddenly, a figure tackled the plate. "These bitches are mine!" Deidara yelled, taking the plate for himself. He scarfed many of them down quickly, earning cries of protest from the others. They tugged at his clothes and pounded him on the head.

Yukari smacked his head from behind and yanked the plate away, glaring at him.

"You idiot!" she yelled into his ear. "In case you didn't notice, this is for everyone!" The Akatsuki bored into him with many glares.

Deidara glowered at Yukari and stole the plate, stuffing the rest of the bakudan in his mouth. Yukari threw her hands up into the air, groaning in defeat. "Fuck it. It'll just be ramen tonight, bitches."

After ten minutes, she brought a huge pot full of beef ramen soup over and served everyone. Everyone thanked her after she served them. It seemed like they hadn't had a decent meal in quite a long time.

When she finished serving everyone, she realized there was a bit left.

She wondered why, feeling as though she made just about enough for everyone, examining the table. There were a couple of empty seats. One was hers, obviously, since she cooked the ramen. One was Pein's, but she knew that he wasn't coming; Kakuzu mentioned that to her earlier. Even Konan was present, enjoying her ramen.

Yukari snapped her fingers. Sasori was missing! How could she forget?

She set the pot back on the stove and walked out into the hallway. She wandered a bit, but eventually found her—their—room.

She knocked a few times on the door and called for Sasori. "Saso-Danna! Dinner's ready!" After no reply came, she reached for the doorknob.

At the same time, it twisted and the door opened to reveal a boy with tousled red hair. He had large, round caramel eyes, but they were eerily emotionless. His skin was perfectly clear and smooth.

"What the f—where's Saso-Danna!?" she asked the strange boy. She floundered, peering over his shoulders to see if he was still in the room.

He sighed and spoke in a smooth voice, "I'm Sasori."

Yukari peered at him in surprise, peering around him once more in disbelief. That rugged, strange-looking thing was only armor, she knew that, but... never in a million years did she think that he would be an adorable boy.

How cute!

She grabbed his cheeks and pinched them.

"Aww, you're so cute~!" she squealed. Sasori tried to shove her away, but she was so fascinated by this little face, that she wanted nothing more to do than pinch his cute little cheeks. He flushed and pulled at her hands again, but she squished his cheeks together, ogling at his large, round eyes. Like a baby.

"Will you get off of me!?" he growled.

"Wow! So cute! Like a baby!" Yukari squeezed his cheeks again.

Deidara, who'd gotten curious about the long wait for Yukari, had visited their room at that very moment. At first, he was stunned, but his silence quickly bubbled into laughter.

Deidara's Love ~ The Soft Side of the Akatsuki (Deidara x OC)Where stories live. Discover now