Chapter 29: Chimamire No Satsujin

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"D - Danna, you..." Deidara started, his anger burning deeply into his cerulean eyes. "You fucking bastard! I know that! That's why she's my girlfriend, yeah!"

The blonde lunged for Sasori's throat again, but Yukari jumped in the way and grasped his wrists.

"Dei-kun, no!" she protested. "Don't fight! Please, you have to stop this!"

"Yukari, don't get in the way, un!"

"Listen to your girlfriend," Sasori growled, "because your ass is too dumb to figure out what she wants!"

"Shut the fuck up!" Deidara roared. He struggled against Yukari's grips and tried over and over to grab Sasori's throat, the scene of throttling the redhead until his damn core withered and died replaying over and over in his head. Yukari shuddered horribly and gazed upon the blonde with wispy eyes.

The ferocious glare in his eyes, his bared teeth, his raised fists... all of it reminded her of the time Sai had decided to steal a kiss from her. This anger and this rage the emitted so strongly from him - it made her nervous. It almost... scared her. She hated to see this side of him; she wanted the kind, playful one that could cheer her up every time she was down. The Deidara whose smile could raise her spirits to the heavens.

"Dei..." she whimpered, releasing his wrists only to wrap her arms around his neck. "Please, stop..."

The moment Deidara spotted the flicker of anxiety shine in Yukari's large crimson eyes, he faltered, and lowered his arms. His eyes were wide as he realized the pain he had just put her through - along with the horrible and sickening quaver in her voice where she begged for his tirade to end.

"Y - Yukari, I..." he faltered, pulling away from her attempt of an embrace. "...I'm sorry." He turned hastily and formed a clay bird before enlarging it and flying away, clutching his arms tightly without a backwards glance.

"Dei-kun!" Yukari called. "Dei, come back! Deidara, come back!" Yet all she could do was stand and watch in despair as her beloved boyfriend disappeared over the treetops, probably to escape and think about Sasori's words. Yukari spun to face the puppeteer and grabbed the front of his cloak.

"Danna, help me!" she begged. "We have to go after Dei-kun! All I wanted was for him to stop fighting you, but - "

"No," Sasori cut in, easing her hands off of his cloak. "I'm sorry, Yukari. I can't help you with him. You know I love you and you know that I'd always be here for you when things get rough - but all Deidara does is put you in danger; and I can't help you when it comes to him; I don't want to put you in danger by helping him. I can't help you when it comes to the person who nearly gets you dead."

"But - but - Saso-Danna, please! I think I must've hurt his feelings, but I need your help to get him to come back."

"Yukari, think. Is it really you who needs help? Not I, the heartbroken?"

His last word rang in the thick air, his question imprinting itself into Yukari's mind. She rose to speak but faltered as the words sunk in, terrible guilt beginning to grow from within. "Oh my Jashin, I..." she whispered. "Danna, I - "

"Don't," he stopped. He casted her a look that showed true regret and true sorrow - it was one that made her feel even worse than she already did. It displayed agony and sorrow that she'd ignored for so long; he was someone who was always there for her and able to help her with the many issues that arose, yet she had ignored nearly everything. How could she not notice how much he had been suffering, then complain about her own tiny problems when it was he who, all along, had been aching inside where it hurt most?

Deidara's Love ~ The Soft Side of the Akatsuki (Deidara x OC)Where stories live. Discover now