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Sitting in the lunch room was always tricky. Yet the school wasn't like your typical high school you would see on TV shows or movies where each clique hangs out together and doesn't venture out. Kids were friends with whomever no matter what their strengths were.

But loners like myself it was still hard to find a place. Since it was raining outside which doesn't happen very often here in Arizona and Maggie was home sick with the flu I had no choice but to stay indoors.

"Hey little blue", a voice calls from behind me. I spin around to find a familiar face sitting at one of the crowded tables.

Pulling out one of the chairs he gestures his hand towards it with a sincere smile.

I shyly make my way over watching his other friends shovel food in their mouths and one resting his head in his arms almost silent snores falling past his lips.

Once settled in the seat and receiving a smile from Kaden. I pick at my sandwich focusing my attention on the conversation around me.

"It was this big man, no joke!" a boy said from the table holding his hands out in front of him to the size of whatever he was talking about. His strawberry blonde hair cropped close to his head. And his freckled cheeks rounded as a small smile stretches across his face.

The conversation starts to bounce around the table as I settle back into the plastic blue red chairs but stop when I feel the warmth of an arm stewed across the top of the back of my chair. Looking back I trail the arm back to Kaden. His wrist decorated in brackets and his blue and black flannel rolled up to his forearms hung open revealing a Post Malone t-shirt.

My eyes lead up to his face, a slight blush rest on my cheeks as I look at Kaden through my lashes. Turning his head he gives me a small smile and a shoulder squeeze before resuming listening to his friend.

The bell shrills through the lunchroom causes kids to pack up their things and make their way to their next classes.

"Here let me take your bag," Kaden reaches to pull my bag from my shoulder and swing it over his. "I'll walk you to your next class."

I shakemy head 'no' before stretching my arm out for my bag, rising on my toes to reach the strap on his tall frame.

It's ok little blue, he signs with his hands.

I stare at his hands then move up to his face full of amusement.

"My sisters deaf so I had to learn sign language to communicate with her."

That's great!
My cheeks turn pink and my eyes widen as I realize how that sounded.

Not your sister being deaf but that you know sign language.

His head falls back as laughter tumbles past his lips. I watch his adam's apple bob in his throat before falling to his smile holding perfected straight teeth.

"Come on, let's get you to class." He says, a chuckle still in his voice placing his hand at the small of my back, he guides me towards the exit doors.

Placing my headphones on my head, blasting Twenty One Pilots I stare at my sketchbook. Swiveling side to side conjuring things to draw. I place my pencil on the blank piece of paper and let my hand create.

The Girl with the Blue HairWhere stories live. Discover now