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Some people say "Quiet people have the loudest minds" but they also say quiet people are freaks, antisocial, awkward.

Being mute, to some is a choice, but to others we wish it only was.

Though I haven't ever been bullied for my condition I've just been unnoticed throughout the school years.

Teachers forgetting my existence along with the rest of the student body of Green Field high.

Even trying silly things like dying my hair bright blue just to make them know I existed.

I felt trapped and alone making it harder to deal with my disorder until he came along. He helped me feel like I mattered, and instead of mute; I was loud.


Hey guys, so this is the new book I will be writing. I'm super excited about this one and I hope you are too. I hope you enjoyed the little prologue! Chapter one with be up soon but till then I will talk to you all later, bye!

Bella xo

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