2|Hopeless Romantic

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Just a hopeless romantic
Looking for love
I'd risk it all just to have it
I wouldn't take it for granted

I dance in my room while mouthing the words to Hopeless Romantic by Meghan Trainor. One arm out stretch to the side and the other curled and held slightly above me like I was dancing with some one.

I imagine myself at a formal ball dancing with my prince charming. We twirl around the dance floor catching fellow couple's attention making them crowd around us watching us romantically sway back and forth.

I'm just a hopeless romantic
Not giving up
'Cause I deserve to find my own
I can feel it in my bones
Yes, I know you're somewhere close
Giving me hope, oh yes, you are

As the music intensifies I give myself a twirl and then adding a little dip before falling backwards on the hard wood floor in my room.

Rubbing my sore head which I cracked it on a near by text book lying on the ground next to my book bag I hear a faint snicker.

My cheeks start to burn as I whip my head around to see non other than Tyler leaning against my door frame with a stupid smirk plastered on his face.

"Nice dance move sis." He said before placing his knuckles to his lips not so subtly hiding his laughter.

Feeling my cheeks heat up more I grab the closest thing by me which was the textbook and chucked it at him, watching it land in front of his sock clad feet.

This makes Tyler throw his head back and let out the laughter he's been holding in.

My cheeks burn more but not from embarrassment, but from irritation towards my stupid brother.

I run towards him hitting his chest with the sides of my small fists. This causes his laughter to be more obnoxious and annoying.

"S-stop, that t-tickles." He wheezes holding his stomach.

"Jo! Tyler! Dinners ready!" I hear our mom yell from downstairs.

A frustrated scream erupts from my throat before I push him to the side and make my way downstairs for dinner.
"Dylan O'Brian or Tyler Posey?"
Maggie asks resting her back against the trunk of the willow tree in the courtyard.

I quickly scribble on my dry erase board and hold up up for her to see.

"O'Brian, hmm.
I would of pegged you as a Posey girl."

I smile and shake my head while stuffing my face with a chicken sandwich.

"Hmmm..., movies or TV?" We've been throwing these questions back and forth for the past week. Maggie said it would be a good way to learn more about each other.

I scribble and answer on the white board and turned it so she could see.



Burgers or Pizza? I wrote when it was my turn to ask.

I watched as Maggie's hazel eyes scanned my writing then looked off into the distance contemplating which is better.

"Pizza. Yup! Pizza all the way!"

I nodded my head in agreement wiping away the black marker.

I look out towards the football field, my eyes glance at my brother tossing a football to a few of his friends; Mario Rodri and Dominic Junior.

"What about them?" Maggie asks following my gaze towards the guys.

I turn my head towards her and gave a disgusted expression Making her laugh.

"What? You don't think neither of them are hot?"

Mario was far from ugly, while having a lean muscular body with tan skin; thanks to his Hispanic heritage, deep brown eyes, and shiny black hair always styled up in a quiff.

Neither was Dominic, he sported short cropped hair, a muscular frame, caramel skin, and the lightest blue eyes that has girls falling at his feet.

Both of them had the looks but practically knowing them my whole life changes things. Mario's mom was my mom's best friend through high school and college. So Tyler and I have known him since being in diapers. Dominic became Tyler's friend during 1st grade so having both boys at my house was like having two extra other brothers.

1st one of them is my brother and the other two practically as well could be.

I wrote on the board before showing her still sporting a distasteful expression.

"Really? Damn your lucky, getting to see those hunks all the time."
Maggie comments biting her bottom lip and not to subtly checking out Tyler's behind.

"So, I was thinking you could come over to my house this weekend, spend the night, eat crap food, watch movies. What do you think, you in?" She asks giving me I guess her puppy dog look.

I look at her pondering if I should go. A nervous feeling bubbled in my stomach think about what if I do something weird or say something stupid. I mentally roll my eyes at the last comment.

This is my first ever sleepover!

I focus back on Maggie still waiting for my answer when a small smile graces my lips and I nod my head yes.

Hey Hey Hey!! What's up everybody! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter it a little long the the last also not edited because I really don't like ready my own stuff, I don't know, it's weird .
I'm sorry for the slow updates but I can't really do anything about it soooo yeah...  Anyways the song for this chapter is Hopeless Romantic if you didn't already figure that out but I literally just found this song and I'm I love with it!! Anybody else a fan of Meghan Trainor??  Well I guess that's it for now I'll talk to you all next time

  Bella xo

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