Chapter One - First Glance

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Hermione POV:

I sigh as I stare out the window of the small coffee shop and wait for Ginny to return from the bathroom.

Eighth years at Hogwarts? Really? I think to myself as I watch the Muggles passing by the window. I never really considered such a thing as being an eighth year student at Hogwarts. Why? Well probably because before the war and whole Battle of Hogwarts, there was no such thing.

According to the letter we had all received however, this year wouldn't be like all the previous years we'd had at Hogwarts, for one, it was optional. This year was offered to us in order to specialize in the subjects that would develop the skills and attributes we needed for whatever career path we chose to pursue in future. The whole concept is weirdly depressing and exciting all at the same time.

Ginny and I had just returned from the newly refurbished Diagon Alley, getting our course books, ingredients and other stuff we'd need for the year ahead of us. We had stopped at a small coffee shop a few blocks from the Leaky Cauldron, our usual spot, for a coffee and a bite to eat.

"You'll never guess what happened in the bathroom just now!" Ginny half screamed on her way back from the bathroom.

"Don't tell me. You found Voldemort's nose?!" I said, imitating real surprise.

"She jokes! No you idiot! I got my period!" she announced excitedly shoving aside books and a jar of of boomslang skin to take a seat at our table. "We can stop worrying now." she added with a bright smile.

I rolled my eyes at her. I took a sip of my cappuccino before saying with stern eyes, "Seriously Ginny, you and Harry so need to be more attentive when having sex. I mean, who forgets whether they've know, sorted it out..down there?"

Ginny ignored my discomfort over the subject. "We do. Trust me Hermione, we are VERY attentive if you know what I mean" she wiggled her eyebrows at me before turning very serious and saying, "In our defence, you can get very caught up in the moment when it hits."

She stared off into space for a second before saying "I mean, one minute I'm standing by the bookshelf deciding what to read, then Harry sneaks up behind me and plants tiny kisses down my neck and before you know it, we're screwing like rabbits!"

"AHHH! No- Ginny- STOP!" I interrupted her quickly.

No deal. Not with Ginny. I should've known better really. Ever since her and Harry started having sex, two things have changed drastically: first thing being that I now know way too much about The Chosen One and his bedroom antics no matter how much I try to block it out and secondly, Ginny's 'woman instincts' kicked in tenfold. She could find sexual innuendos in almost anything you said and could sniff out a lie coming a mile away.

She was very comfortable and confident when it came to her body (except of course when she occasionally had late periods like today). I love how confident and sure of herself Ginny was. It came naturally for her. Even before the sex. I'm happy for her and Harry.

With Ginny being my only friend and confidante these days, her and Harry's love story sometimes made me feel a little lonely. I so wanted there to be someone in my life that I also shared that kind of passion and fun with. Someone who boosted my self confidence and gave me an escape to another world where it was just us (as Ginny had described inappropriately so many times before).

Since Ron's abrupt and quick decision to take off to Romania and study dragons with his brother Charlie, I'd been basically third wheeling it and hanging out with Ginny and Harry.

It wasn't that I was still mourning the loss of Ron, we had both snapped out of that honeymoon phase so quickly and the flame that once burned so bright was gone without even a whisper of smoke. We brought it down to the fact that in reality the strength of our relationship came from the stress of the war, the close proximity we were constantly in while supporting and helping Harry and the security of having someone there through the dangerous times and tasks that lay ahead of us at the time.

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