Chapter 5.

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"Fake a smile, lie and say, you're better now than ever, and your life's okay when it's not."
-The Script

Everything went deadly silent. The sounds of forks dropping and glasses brought down on the table were the last sounds heard.

"Mommy what's gay?" Izzy asked Ruth and everyone turned to her, eager for her answer.

"It's love, honey." she answered without a second thought. Simply taking another spoonful of potatoes in her mouth.

"Like you and daddy?" he wondered out loud.

"Yes. But instead of a boy and girl. It's a boy loving a boy, or in Scar's case--a girl loving another girl." James explained not batting an eyelash as he smiled at me.

"And that's normal?" Heath spoke up for the first time.

"Tell me Heath." Ellison spoke for the first time "What is normal?"

He didn't reply.

"I rest my case." She sipped her coke.

"Well I knew that." Frankie blurted "There was no way someone could be this hot and actually dig assholes like us."

We all agreed, while some laughed and that was it. Everyone went back to eating and Cameron gave me a nudge before smiling a bit as in saying "I told you so." even though he never said anything.

I don't know if it was the way Ruth and James gave proud smiles at their own children, or by the way Blaze kicked Ace in the shin or even how Ellison went on and on about how meat and chicken was a disgrace and hurting animals was an inhumane thing to do but somewhere in between I knew, I just knew...

I really am going to like this family.

-One week later-
Crying, screaming and police sirens.

Now being the way I am, I woke up alerted, falling out of bed with a thud before freaking out thinking that the police were here for me...again.

But reality sank in not a second later as the sunlight damn near blinded me and reminded me where the hell I am.

I'm in Oregon. Living with the Margo's. In this bright ass room, with a bunch of hormonal, obnoxious, annoying boys who don't understand the importance of sleep.

There are a lot of things that piss me off. Cops, smartasses, cliche movies, etc. etc. But the thing that tops the list is people who interrupt my slumber. Now those people are just asking to get killed.

Sitting up from the floor I rubbed my head. Hearing gunshots coming from what I'm gonna guess the living room--fuckers are playing video games again.

I cursed under my breath. And kept cursing as I got up and basically stomped down the stairs, killing each boy and even Ellison ten different ways in my mind.

"Guys it's barley morning! I am trying to sleep!" I shouted at the idiots in front of me.

"What the hell are you smoking Scar? It's four in the afternoon." Dante shook his head at me from the couch.

"I smoke cigarettes. You should be worried about what Blaze over here is smoking." I flicked my head to bad boy standing near the corner.

"Weed." He didn't look up from his phone.

"What's weed?" Izzy asked looking away from the screen where Heath and Gabriel were playing Black Ops 2.

"Something you never need to repeat." Ellison threw a glare over her shoulder at Blaze from the armchair, but he didn't notice or he just ignored her. There was a book opened in her hands as she was curled up on the one person couch I could'nt help but think she looked...child-like. Almost cute in her own strange Ellison way.

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