Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

“Destruction, hence like creation is
one of Nature’s mandates.”
—Marquis de Sade

The Kingdom of the DarkFae

“The time has come,” Alderon said quietly as he stared out upon his disciples. “Look around you my dark ones, see that we are finally close to achieving our dream. For over a thousand years we have waited for this moment. And it has arrived.”

The members of the Dark Fae Elder court had gathered in the great room of their leader’s castle. As all Dark Fae preferred cold colors, Alderon’s home was no different. His walls were cool grey stone, made of the same rock found in Stonehenge. The massive table that sat in the middle of the room was granite and circular, similar to that of King Arthur’s round table, and the chairs that surrounded the table were intricately carved out of an Elder tree, each one having its own sign, symbol, and meaning. Each chair was placed strategically as though the table was part of an ancient astral chart.

Each member of the Dark Fae stood behind one of the chairs of the round table, encompassing thirteen in all. Their children stood outside the room but could hear Alderon’s voice as it carried through the hall. Puck stood behind Alderon waiting to do his bidding.

Though he was not their true King, he was in many ways, their God. For he was the oldest of all the Elders and, more importantly, the one that understood the depths of their black soul. He was also the one that had sired the future King of the Dark Fae. The boy who made up half of the great prophecy.

They all stood in silence and tried to control their joy, but they could not contain their smiles. Alderon had just given them hope that they were on their way to ruling over the great kingdom. At last, the Light would fall.

“We are close,” Alderon said quietly. “Close to a celebration.”

He continued on, as every translucent eye in the room was upon him.

“Very close.”

He walked slowly around the table and made eye contact with each one of the Elders in the room. Once he was finished he stood behind the one empty chair. He reached his hands out, and a black light emerged from his fingertips. He began to draw lines on the table like a spider’s web that traced back to each one of the Elders. The light he drew in the table looked like the alignment of the planets in the solar system. He was done with his task within a moment. Each Elder placed their hands above the lit planet that was before them. Their energy radiated into Alderon’s, fused into one as they all began to speak without any barriers of fear blocking them.

Alderon closed his eyes and took a deep breath in as he felt all the energy in the room. When he opened his eyes, they were lit with black fire, his power so great, his feet were no longer on the ground but hovered in the air.

“As presiding Elder and in accordance to the laws written in the ancient manuscript, known to the humans as Voynich, known to the Fae as Ma Tua Nan, the dark laws of the crystal code, all Elders must be in agreement as we move forward,” his voice was strong, sure as he spoke. “The time has come for us to claim again what our very own brothers and sisters are trying to take away. For centuries we have waited, have acted within the laws that govern each and every Fae, but we will wait no longer. The Light, as they call themselves, wanted a war. They will want to end the souls of their own kind. Choosing human life over Fae. Can they call themselves true light by wanting to end what they perceived as dark?”

The Elders looked around at one another as the magnitude of Alderon’s words touched them to the core. The light from their palms grew stronger as the power in his voice reached their core.

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