FAE- Chapter Three

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“There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul.”
—Ella Wheeler Wilcox


I heard their voices all whispering at once. I stood outside by my car and faced the tall dark trees as the noise consumed me. I put my hands on the hood of the car and closed my eyes. I knew they had to be shining brightly, as they did whenever I heard my people.

The Dark Fae.

I had to gain control of the rush of blood that flowed through my veins whenever I felt them. It was a call for me to come and take my rightful place as their true Prince. To sit on the throne and preside over their kingdom. And it took every single ounce of my self-control to deny the pure adrenaline rush that pulsed through my body when they sang for me.

Breathe, Devilyn. Just breathe slowly. I tried to soothe myself. It took a moment for me to get my emotions in check. The bright glow that threatened to burst from my eyes was hidden again, and the choking darkness was gone.

When they came calling, I could hear it in my soul. Straight from within. It was clever of them to permeate my essence. It had its benefits, I suppose. When they spoke out in the open and were not surrounded by Alderon’s magik, like they were doing now, I could listen to them. I could hear all of their plans. It gave me an advantage, but it kept me close to them as well, which could be enticing. I had kept this secret hidden from Odin for years. I did not want him to ever know that I could hear them calling for me.

It was a gift that only the Dark Prince of the Fae could possess. In what seemed to be an endless list of magical powers, here was another that I had, but it came at a cost.

I knew when my people planned and plotted. It was my curse. And at the same time, my blessing. Because now I could protect Caroline.

Now all they ever chatted about was Caroline. And her demise. All they sang about, all they obsessed about, was destroying this innocent girl.

If she were to become my queen she would unite two kingdoms and destroy the evil and darkness that would otherwise rule for centuries. The Dark Fae would not have this. So now they had to find her.

Destroy her.

Eliminate the threat of her forever.
And this, I would not have.
I took a deep breath and tried to concentrate on what they were saying. In an instant

my mind transported my body deep into the fairy woods, and I stood on the outer banks, unseen by them as they conspired.

The kingdom of the Fae is a magical place filled with lush trees, sweeping landscapes, and beautiful castles. If humans were to simply look beyond what they believed was real, they would see.

And if humans were to ever open themselves and see the fairies together they would be in awe. When the Fae came together, even the dark illuminated a bright light that would bring mortals to tears. We are breathtakingly beautiful. Not the way legends and books described. Fairies did not have wings and were not tiny creatures flying around the woods. They were spectacular beings, illuminating an almost Godly light from within that seemed to filter through their souls, their spirits. They were also blessed with flawless features and perfect bodies. They were, in every way, the light of the Gods.

They sat in a circle, ten in all, and spoke to one another. They all had jet-black hair and eyes. And they all wore long robes. Even the women.

“We must find her,”Alderon said coolly. He was the Dark Fae that I despised above all others, the current “elder,” and thus interim leader of the Dark Fae. He continued, “She will destroy us if we do not destroy her.”

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