FAE- Chapter Four

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“Life is what we make of it.”


Light shined everywhere in the beautiful glen, glistening from the electricity dancing around the trees.

She was coming.

A sweet breeze rustled the leaves, fluttering at the excitement of her arrival. The Goddess, Dana. Revered by all. Worshipped. And most especially, loved. Her long white muslin gown flowed behind her. Her smile made the flowers bloom, the birds chirped to see this miraculous sight. And even with all of her ethereal beauty and otherworldly knowledge she truly loved life. Every species that breathed and lived, she worshipped and embraced.

She brushed her brown hair away from her face as she leaned down to run her hand against the water in the stream. It sparkled with pleasure at her gentle touch and she laughed as a few fish swam happily around her delicate fingers.

“Why the secrecy, my friend?” She smiled radiantly at Odin. He stood before her majestically, more God than man, with his trademark cape and winged helmet.

“I cannot risk her life. If there is anyone among your court that could be a traitor—”

“I would see through their souls,” she finished as she stood to face the mighty Norse God.

Dana lifted her hand, and as she did, she closed her eyes. A light moved from her palm toward the center of his forehead. His third eye. It opened instantly, a blue circle forming where Dana’s energy hit.

“You worry for his soul.”
“His fate will lead him down the right path. His path.”
“He doubts himself. I see the struggle. Every day. Every night when he sleeps, he

believes he will be overcome.”
“It is a strong calling, the Dark. The hunger. The need to do bad things. Humans

have lived with this conflict since their creation. And then there are the Fae. We have been blessed to be either one or the other.”

“He is my son,” Odin said quietly.

Dana smiled. “Yes, Devilyn is a unique soul. Given both the dark and the light. He is much like a human. He can feel empathy for them. The love. The hate. All of the emotions that they possess, Devilyn understands. That is why his bride will be part human. That is why she is his fate. She is his salvation.”

“But will he choose her?”
Dana was quiet.
“That is not for us to decide. Or to see.”
“And her life? The danger that is coming for her, how can we protect her? Should we

take her away and hide her here?”
“You know we cannot. She is human.”
“She is more Fae than human.”
“But human, nevertheless. We will wait to see what tricks Alderon plays. He still

does not know her identity. We must see what he plans, and then we will act accordingly,” Dana pulled her hand away from Odin’s third eye. “This indecision, it is unlike you.”

“I know,” Odin replied. “I always knew this day would come. But I am not sure if I am willing or able to see him in such great pain.”

“Your strength, courage, and foresight guides us all. As you said, you knew this day was coming. How long have you prepared for it? How much love have you given the future King? How much guidance? He could not have asked for more.”

“He is my son,” Odin stated solemnly.
Dana smiled. “I know, my dear friend.”
“It pains me to see him struggle. I only want his happiness.” “It is not for us to decide. It is in the hands of Fate.”
“Then may we hope to face the soft hands of Fate.”

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