My Story

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"Hey Taylor can you go to the store for me" mom yelled from the kitchen 

"Yah mom" I yelled back getting up from the couch and walking to the kitchen mom was hurrying around the kitchen cooking 

"Thanks sweetheart do you mind taking Seth and Derek with you so I can finish up here” mom said not looking up from her cooking

“Yah I will where is the list and card” I asked walking over to the fridge and grabbing water

“On the counter just us your credit dads got mine” she said

“Okay can I take your car I took out the car seat bases out of my suburban for school” I asked her

“Yah my keys are in the mud room” she said rushing around the kitchen pulling out stuff and putting stuff away

I walked out of the room and went back to the living room where the twins where laying down in the playpen I grabbed the car seats from the mud room and went back to the twins I sat them down on the coffee table I picked Derek up and put him into his car seat

I buckled him up and covered him up with his blanket I pulled the cover up I grabbed Seth and sat him in his car sear and buckled him up and got his blanket I grabbed the diaper bag and purse and put them over my shoulder I picked up the boys and walked out to the garage throw the mud room I sat Derek down and opened the door

“Bye mom” I called  

“Bye” she yelled back I put the boys in the car I pulled out and drove down to target

I pulled into a parking spot and parked I got out and grabbed the twins and walked into the story I put them into a cart and pulled out the list

Grocery store List

Diapers                Binky’s                             jelly    

Toilet paper          Paper towels                  apple sauce

Landry soap         Baby shampoo              peanut butter

Baby lotion           Baby powder

Eggs                     Tomatoes

Corn                     Apples

Bananas               Ham

Cheese                Baby whips

Bread                                 butter

God I didn’t think she wanted me to go pick up a couple of things not go go grocery shopping

“All right guys let’s get this over with” I said smiling at the babies

We went throw the aisles grabbing what I needed I smelt something off

WAIT I KNOW THAT scent I thought loudly in my head

It’s another werewolf I thought

CRAP CARP CARP CRAP I got to get the twins out of here I made my way to the checkout line quickly and paid I walked quickly to moms pilot and got the boys in before throwing the groceries in the back and jumped into the car I drove home quickly

When I got home I saw dads car parked out front I grabbed the boy’s seat I ran into the house and set the boys down

“Mom dad” I yelled

“In the dining room baby girl” dad called back I ran into the dining room he and mom where sitting and talking

“What is it baby” mom asked

“When I was at the store I came across another werewolves scent”

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