Chapter 6: Sudden Death

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A few weeks later, Me, Gohan, and Trunks were doing our homework. Well, Trunks was "finished" and started playing with his video games.

"Hey would ya turn down the volume? I'm trying to help Gohan!" I yelled at him. The lavender hair boy lowered the volume and continued pressing buttons from his console.

"Okay I don't know why you're mom is teaching you middle school stuff, but oh whale." I flipped the page Chi Chi assigned him to do.

"The quadratic formula." He wrote down the equations and examples from the book.

Chi Chi came in with snacks. "Aw is my baby boy studying so hard." She sat down next to us and smiled proudly of her son. Gohan was really focused compared to other kids I tutored before.

She noticed my portfolio was on the ground. "Whats this.. Ana Kusao." She flipped the vinyl cover and read my resume. "National honor society? A honor roll? Valedictorian?! My your parents must be proud of you!" I blushed and put the folder in my bag. "Gohan I want you to study well and be a scholar like Ana."

I rubbed the back of my head. "Haha Chi Chi don't stress Gohan so much. He's still like 11." I looked around his room. Full of books stacked nicely and awards posted on the walls. "Gohan can break the record of having more awards then any kid."  Suddenly, his nose started bleeding.

"Oh no my baby!" Chi Chi got a tissue. I looked at her with a I-told-you-so face. "Gohan, you should rest! It's like you're gonna go college tomorrow." I told him and he let go a sigh. The Goku look alike boy started to munch on the cookies.

"So what is your future career later on?" She sat down on the bed. "Well, I wanted to be a veterinarian. I love science and to provide special care to animals." I said twisting a strand of my hair.

"Wow is that so? I bet you'll have to study hard, and earn alot of money. And get a PhD!"

"Yep. It's both beneficial for me and to the community. "

Before I drink the juice, I dropped the glass. I felt my senses to snap.

Trunks stopped the tapping the buttons and Gohan looked at me with a concerned look. "Is there something wrong Ana?"

I don't feel anything right.. A life force is fading..

"I-I think I should-ld go."

"We'll follow too." Gohan said standing from his chair.

Trunks and Gohan followed along. "Hey guys, don't you feel a life force fading or is it just me?"

"I feel it too." Trunks replied. Gohan nodded

I need to check on mother.

We landed at the Satans Hospital. As soon as I dash in, I saw my brother.

"What are you doing here!" Sounds like he's hiding something.

"I sense something bad. Do you know anything Ryler?" I looked up at my tall brother. He gulped big. "W-what are you ta-talking about I came to visit someone silly you." He rubbed my hair.

"I'm not joking around Ryler." I slapped his hand away. He looked at me with shocked look. I sense something wrong..  it doesn't feel right. "Is it about mom.. right?"

"How d-did you know?" he gulped harder. I pulled from his collar. "Where is she? What room is she in?"

"405." I ran to the elevator but it was taking for ever.

I ran up the emergency stairs and find the room where my mother is." 405 ..405.. Aha!"

I opened the door, and the door cracked. There my mother laid on the hospital bed. She was pale like the sheets on the bed.. A brown beanie was covering her hairless head.

"Mother..?" I walked slowly to the half lifeless body. The doctor came in

"Well we just did a chemo and it seems that it didn't went out well.. i think you should say your last words..." He patted my shoulder and said it without any emotions in his voice. As if he wanted to tear me up. As the word hits me.

"..Mom. why didn't you told me anything about this?" My voice started to crack.

"I didn't want you to be bothered by me." she said hoarsely.

But why..

"There's nothing I nor you can do with this cancer. No surgery, no medicine can save me. I guess it's my time.."


"Take care of Ryler okay. I'm thinking I'll be with your father soon." She let go a weak laugh. "I want you to be strong. I'll trust you alright? You make me so proud and I love you.." A tear rolled down and her hand let go of mine.

"mom.. mom!" I shook the bed and her lifeless body.

Mother why did you had to leave me..? Why didn't you told me that you're sick? How stupid was I? You can't leave me. It's unfair. I don't want to lose you like dad. Don't go please..

Tears burst from my eyes and I bolted out the door. I crashed into Trunk's hard, steel chest. There was a dead silence. "I wish she can come back.." I cried even harder. I gripped on to him tighter while he patted my back.

"We can wish her back with the dragon balls, but it can't because she died from a natural cause." I remember what Trunks told me. Like Goku with that heart virus, he can't be summoned back. Also mom can't be back.

I started to fly out the window to the empty canyon. "MOTHER WHY YOU HAVE TO DO THIS TO ME!" I shouted above. I punched the Earth below me. The sky turned black, with thunder roaring and rain pouring violently.

"MOTTHERRRRRRRR! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I shrieked as if the whole world can hear me. "Father left, now you?! Why? Why'd you had to go! This isn't fair. It's not right!"

Tears were falling down. I punched the ground and shook vigorously My body twitched with anger, veins boiled, and everything inside me was about to explode. Electricity snapped here and there around my body. My hair was glowing and was erect. A golden aura surrounded me.

I achieved to become a super saiyan. 

Rest in peace.. mother.

"'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you"

With a blink, everything turned black.

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