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I haven't seen Brianna in ages, the last time we were in the same room was under the same circumstances; someone in the hospital. She walked in with a giant bear she could barely hold because of her protruding belly. I wonder who could have gotten her pregnant in the short time I was gone. I didn't know how to feel about her being here.

"OMG Anna, I missed you" she flew across the room with her arms wide open, bumping me with her belly." my bad girl this belly bumps into any and everything" she said while giggling.

"Well hi Brianna" I said slightly awkwardly, I felt strange around her since before I left to Georgia.

"Hey Mama Jones, I brought you this bear. I heard what happened, I'm so sorry this happened to you" she cooed my mother, all hugging and kissing her. My mother really didn't like her, all she said "uh huh child, thank you" with a pat on her shoulder. I had to burst out in fits of laughter because it was too funny. "I see you are still the same mama Jones" with a hint of an attitude.

"How did you know my mom was here?" Angie asked slightly aggravated, she didn't like Brianna either.

"It's all over the news; they say it might have to do with your father "she rambled on about it being gang related while rubbing her belly. I couldn't help but keep my eyes glued to her protruding belly. I don't remember her talking or being with someone, I wonder who the father could be.

I watched as her eyes landed on Eros, I already knew what she had in mind.

"And who is May this sexy caramel is?"She said while strutting towards him. Did she forget that she is pregnant? I watched as she tried to flirt with Eros. He wasn't officially my man; I had no say in who wants to approach him. If he was my man it would have been a different story, she wouldn't even be able to give him a second glance.

"Hey sweetheart, who are you?" she said sweetly.

My name is Eros" he said plainly

"Who might you belong to?"She said getting closer to him, every step she took forward he took backwards towards me. He finally got close enough to wrap his arms around my waist, tuck his head in the crook of my neck and proudly responded "hers".

Her face contorted into a frown. "What do you mean hers?" "This is my beautiful girlfriend, is there a problem?" he replied while smirking. "Well good luck with "she took a long pause "with that " she muttered in disgust. All I can do is smile, why was she mad? I can see why I distance myself from her long before I left Miami.

It is up to my sister to let Brianna get her worked up. "What you mean "THAT", you surely mean that you are sorry for pushing up on her man. You need to stop being a hoe, and find your baby daddy to THAT in your stomach" my sister spatted out.

She stepped up into my sister face but not before almost tripping over a chair; if it wasn't for Eros quickness she would of fell face down on her stomach. She pushed him off of her like he was some dude at the club. She wasn't going to let her slipping stop her from stepping up to my sister.

"TRUST me I know who my baby father is and its Mossiah's; we are having twins "she confessed. The whole room fell quiet. I was sent straight to my thoughts of the times we tried to conceive and I couldn't even get pregnant. I was brought back to reality by Eros voice, it was heavy with concern, "are you okay baby?" "Yes I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" I plastered a smile on my face, I knew the bitch was watching, I looked up and she sure was looking really hard.

"This bitch" my sister snorted out, I couldn't agree more." you couldn't wait to get my sloppy seconds huh?" I spatted her way. The grin on her face was making my blood boil. She thought it would hurt me that she ended up with Mossiah, I feel sorry for her, what is coming up next she isn't ready for, but she is going to learn. "Mama didn't you say to give away thing toys I don't need?" I yelled across to my mother who was watching the whole scene unfold in "front of her."Yes baby, we only give away unwanted to the charity. She can keep him" my mother concluded.

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