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It took no longer than ten minutes for my sister to get to my apartment. When she enters she was so excited, I don’t know why we were just going to get a little pay back and get my things and go.

"Okay Angie, the dumbass left all my things still in my suitcase so that give us more time, just help me put this in your car".

“Why are you not putting it in your car? You better keep that car if anything".

"Ang, you don’t know who I’m dealing with. He always knows where I am and who I am, he can probably have my phone tapped and a tracking device in my car, I’m not taking the chance of him finding me".

"He probably put a tracking device in your ass" she joked.

"HA-HA you are so funny, now help me put this stuff in your car".

Angie and I began putting my things in the car and after an hour, we had all my suitcases and anything I felt like I liked in the house that didn’t hold any of our memories. I want nothing to do with things that remind me of this hurtful relationship.

I sat down on the coach with my head in my hands and my shoulders starts to shake. My sister sensing something was wrong and rushed to me.

"Don’t cry Ana, you’re going to have a new start in life, you cant let Mossiah bring you down. He has torn you down emotionally and physical for way to long. He has controlled you since the very moment you guys have been together.Now he has been beating your ass and you finally are getting away, when you move away I’m going to miss my big sister but I know it’s for the best. Don’t mourn for a broken relationship; you should have a little pep in your step and ready to start a new life in a whole different place. Miami is not the place for you and you should go find your calling “ my sister held me until I finished crying.

"ayy baby sis when the hell did you get so wise, i'm suppose to be the one holding you and telling you not to cry over your jerk of a boyfriend but you are over here giving me advice, when I leave I’m going to miss you and mama so much,I don’t know what I’m going to do when I leave Miami, I have no family where I’m going’s " I stated to my sister.

"That’s one thing about this plan, you never told me where you’re going, you going to L.A, Puerto Rico, or the Dominican Republic, where are you going Mami"

"Oh lawd now you want to bring out the Hispanic in you?" I laughed at my sister. We were mixed; our mother was Haitian and Dominican and our father was from Puerto Rico . We haven’t seen our father in over 10 years.

I can remember like it was yesterday when they took him from us.


"Daddy can we go to the pool outside, its hot and it’s a beautiful day" Angie ran to our dad, she was eight at the time.

"Of course baby girl, go change into your swim-suit and we will make a day of it and ask your sister if she wants to go in the pool" he told her as She ran down the hallway

"Baby you want to have a BBQ today?" he murmurs in my mother's ear while wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I have no problem with that, I can call your brother's and my brother and sisters and tell them bring their kids" she told him as she had her arms around his neck.

We were very family oriented, within two hours everyone was in the back yard laid out by the pool. Uncle Emilio also known as "suave" was my dad's partner and crime and oldest brother, he was the crazy one, and he was always paranoids that cops were out to get him. Then there was Vincent but we called him Tio Vinny because his name was too hard to pronounce for the kids he was my dad's youngest brother, he was the player out of all three of them, he always had a different girl at different family events.

There were the females on my mother side, there's Tia Sophie and Tia Sophia they were twins, they didn’t have any children; Lola she was the oldest, she had 3 kids. The only brother my mom had was Valentino he was the single one.He was just like Tio Vinny, they never came to an event with the same girl but he had two girls.

Everyone was having a good time, the kids were in the pool, the ladies were surrounding a table gossiping and the men were at the outside bar having drink. You can say it was a successful family day at the pool. After everyone ate and the kids were out the water the parents had them shower and let them have a movie night. Parties at the Jones home never ended.

As the adults were having a great time outside in the backyard, all you heard was a boom and a breaking of a door. The kids came down the stairs wanting to know what the commotion was about, they came down to see about ten police officers enter the home, different officers going every which way roaming the house and one man who were dressed in a white crisp dress shirt and slacks walls directly to the back.

"Lorenzo & Emilio Jones you are under arrest, you have the right to remain silent and everything you say or do" the detective began to read my father and uncle their Miranda rights.

"Excuse me detective-" my mother paused to let him finish her sentence

"Hello Mrs. Jones, I’m detective Smith"

"Detective Smith, do you guys have a warrant for the men that are ravishing through my home" she asked with confidence.

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