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The drive towards the airport was quiet, we were both caught up in our own thoughts. I was nervous about going back to Miami. All type of questions were running through my head like "what if Mossiah caught me and wouldn't let me go back to Georgia" or "what if my mom dies?". Any "what if's" you can think of I was thinking it.

I had my hands folded on my lap, as the airport came into view my heart rate started to speed up. Eros sense my anxiety and took my hands into his. My hands where shaking uncontrollably.

"Baby, don't be nervous you got me" Eros tried to reassure me that everything would be fine, but how would I know that is for sure. Mossiah isn't a predictable type of guy , you'll never know what his next move is , even if you studied him.

Reaching the airport, we didn't stop at the entrance, the driver drove pass it and onto the runway. I was confused to why we were driving on the run way until I saw a large all white private jet with Eros is purple written in script.

"A Jet ? Ohhhhhhhhh you got MONEYYY!!!" I turn to him and said while giggling.

"Girl you is so silly" he responded while helping me get out of the car.

"I have never been on a private jet before " I told him in a hush tone so no one would hear me.

"With me you will be having it of first, just know I'm going to be better than you last" with that he led up the stairs I to the jet.

Inside this jet was just amazing, I was in complete awe. Everything was cocaine white; there were two white couches with silver silk pillows which faced each other with a metallic silver table on the middle. There were the airplane set you see on a regular plan but his had to be fancy. It didn't have those nasty carpet nasty design type of sets. They were all white matching the couches with his signature in purple on the head rest. This guy really had his signature on the headrest. When walking further down there is a door which had a full size bed. "Where does he go, that he needs a bed in his jet ?" I thought to my self.

A watched a man approached Eros and whispered something on his ear, I'm assuming he was the pilot. He really didn't look like a pilot he actually looked like a WWE wrestler. He had the broad shoulders and it looked as his muscle would ripped through his suit. He had dirty blonde hair, and he had the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. They were blue , but not just any blue. It's was like a glassy beach water blue.

"Baby , come sit down we about to take off" Eros told me. All the excitement of the Jet and it's decor suddenly left my body. I felt the anxiety creeping up once again.

We took our seats and the jet took off. After a while the jet levels out and we were able to get out of our seats. I needed to have a shot or something I couldn't stay on these flight like this, I knew there had to be liquor on they thing. I walked to the back of the plan to find two ladies chatting, one was a brunette and one was blonde.

"I can't wait to fuck the shit out of Eros today, he hasn't traveled in a while" the brunette said.

"You know he only wants to have sex with you, he is not going to get into a relationship with you" the blonde one tried to explain to her friend.

The ladies still haven't notice me and I wasn't going to let them know I was there until I finish hearing the whole conversation.

"Tiffany stop being such a buzz kill, I have a plan."the brunette said to the blonde who I know as Tiffany now.

"What is your plan Camila" Tiffany said in an aggravated tone.

"Well you know how every time he travels, we have sex in the little room. After a while he trusts me to throw away the condom. When he leave to go back to his seat , instead of throwing it away I'm going to keep it and use a turkey Baster" she said with glee evident in her voice.

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