Like Father, Like Son?

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'What do you mean, SON?!! Blake?? I just want you to explain. I'll listen calmly.'


'Ah, the truth comes out! And once again, emotion overtakes logic... Oh, when will you small humans learn?'

'Blake, please tell me this isn't true.'

'I'm so sorry, Jess! I'd gone on the cruise to try to find my father. I knew he was somewhere down here, working on something... so I tried to figure it out.'


'Did you try to hack into the ship's computer?!' Wayne glared.

'Duh! How else am I going to boost my connection? It wasn't like main system navigation or anything; just their network... But this place is locked down better then a government facility. It weird. No one uses that kinda security unless they're hiding something.'

*Back to reality...

'I couldn't figure anything out at first! It was like he was protecting this place.. Like he didn't want it to be found! But then... He called me here over the network...' Blake explained.


'I'm getting a signal!! It looks like it's from... a radio tower?' Blake gasped.

...The radio tower on Delta Three...

'It's him!...' Blake smiled as Wayne walked in.

'Blake, the captain wants everyone on deck. There's some sort of technical problem.' Wayne crossed his arms.

'Oh...really? Uh oh... I didn't think that swapping the heat inductors would affect the coolant arrays so quickly...'

'Wait, this isn't something YOU caused-'

'ATTENTION! This is your captain speaking! All passengers report to the deck immediately!'

*Back go reality...

'I had no idea how bad it had gotten! I just wanted to meet my father!' Blake facepalmed.

'Wait, you're the reason we crashed here?!'

'I needed to find him! I'd never known him growing up. It was so hard for me. I'd heard so much about him-'

'I believe you, Blake. I understand.'

'It's just luke how you wanted to find your mother! I wanted to finally find my father...'

'And it's been wonderful finally reuniting, hasn't it, Blake? Because now we can move forward with our plan. Together.'

'It''s been wonderful. It's been more then I could've ever hoped for.'

'Wait, what?? Whose side are you on here?! Was that all a lie just now?? I want to know exactly what's going on here.'

'Blake here has agreed to help me with my experiment to perfect humanity. He hadn't quite gotten to that part in the story yet. While perhaps he was initially taken aback upon meeting me... he quickly realized that he wanted to be involved in the work I'm doing. "Like father, like son," they say.'

'I don't believe you.'

'Blake here is someone who rules with his mind and not with his heart. Must be good genes. And that's what will make Blake successful in this world we live in today.'

'That's not true! Blake is gentle and kind. I know he cares about me! And that isn't something that comes from the mind!'

'His heart certainly latches onto that which or wants to believe. This experiment started a long time ago, my dear Jezabel. It was one to perfect humanity. Genetically. Mechanically. Mentally. The details of the story are quite dull... But I wouldn't want to deprive you of the story of your mother's death.'

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